Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm hot

I'm hot! =p As in feeling feverish and also down with sore throat... it seem like every last week of the school term I will not feel well. It was like that during the last week of Tern 3 and now is happening in the last week of Term 4. Too stress? Too excited for the coming holiday?

This is the LAST week of school term and as always, the last week of each term will always be busy, busy and BUSY. And for the last term of the school year, is like x2 busier (despite the end of concert). =)

Arrange timings/stuffs for Parents-Teachers-Meeting, children's report book, make sure children finish off all outstanding works, to compile their whole term of works, to prepare a little gift for the children etc. In the midst not forgetting my course's lesson and assignment that are due this weekend.

Today is just the beginning of the busy week...
Dear Healer, strengthen me as I go through this busy week. Make me strong and not fall sick. =) Amen!


jadyn said...

why ur tagboard always cannot load one? Anywya when's our HOT date? hehe

Anonymous said...

get well soon!!
drink more water :)

lyn said...

to JADYN...
ya think my tagboard also not feeling well cause sometime it's owner also cant load properly. Haha!

to BECCA...
yeah, been drinking so much water that toilet been my 2nd "home". Haha! Am feeling much better today. Thanks thanks!