You!? He too?! She also?! You mean they visit my blog too?! =p
2010 - the 5th year to my blog ... a channel for me to share my ups/downs, moments in school, vent my unhappiness, shout out my testimonies etc.
thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU for visiting my blog often!!!
thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU for all the encouragements & jiayous!!!
thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU for the comments/replys!!!
(YOU know who YOU ARE!)
Stay tuned! More to come in 2010!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
tHe EnD oF 2009
“When you ask God for a gift, be thankful if He sends not diamonds, pearls or riches, but the love of real true friends” - Helen Steiner Rice
Friends… Friends… Friends…
Other than my cg members (my earlier entry), there are few other groups of friends I'm thankful for...
My kakis!!!
Really appreciate and treasure the friendship with you guys!
Thanks guys for everything!

My ex-members aka awesome friends!!!
You ladies are a group of friends who I always look forward to meet, to spend time with and to fellowship with.
Thank you Ah Qi for always being there! You my friend!
Thank you Ah Jing for always willing to share your life!
Love you ladies!

GS ladies!!!
Thank you ladies for the yearssss of friendship!
Many more yearsssssss ahead!

Friends… Friends… Friends…
Other than my cg members (my earlier entry), there are few other groups of friends I'm thankful for...
My kakis!!!
Really appreciate and treasure the friendship with you guys!
Thanks guys for everything!

My ex-members aka awesome friends!!!
You ladies are a group of friends who I always look forward to meet, to spend time with and to fellowship with.
Thank you Ah Qi for always being there! You my friend!
Thank you Ah Jing for always willing to share your life!
Love you ladies!

Thank you ladies for the yearssss of friendship!
Many more yearsssssss ahead!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
time in LSK...
Moments of…
Sharing & Sowing
Waiting & Watering
Teaching & Touching
Listening & Loving
Running & Soaring
Praising & Pointing
Sharing & Sowing
Waiting & Watering
Teaching & Touching
Listening & Loving
Running & Soaring
Praising & Pointing
back in LSK...
After all the fun and holidaying … was back to school for two days for the last preparation/meeting before school reopens.
Officially, the staff were required to go back for one day but most of them turned up for two days!
* amazed at their working attitude *
Is so different from my previous kindergartens … then we were like can don’t report to school, we don’t. =p
It was a busy two days - especially the 2nd day where I almost stay till 7pm again!
That day I was pretty upset actually, the feeling of “really need to go but cannot go” was terrible!
From my past experience in kindergarten, usually the preparation days will always be very busy and teachers will treasure every moment to do up classroom etc but not so in LSK.
From like 9am+ to 12pm+ we had worship/praying/sharing session.
Then after lunch was short sharing/praying here and there before we went into admin. It was already 3pm+ when we were released to do our own stuff.
Two feelings after the principal shared … CHALLENGED + PRESSURE
A part of me is really looking forward to my journey in LSK, a total different environment, culture and working habit from all my previous kindergartens BUT on the other part of me, I am actually quite fxxxfxx - never had this kind of feel when I start anew at previous kindergartens.
Dear God, please enlarge my capacity! I want to be able to live up to standard of LSK!
Give me the wisdom, the creativity, the boldness, the favor of man as I start my adventure in LSK. Thank you God!
Officially, the staff were required to go back for one day but most of them turned up for two days!
* amazed at their working attitude *
Is so different from my previous kindergartens … then we were like can don’t report to school, we don’t. =p
It was a busy two days - especially the 2nd day where I almost stay till 7pm again!
That day I was pretty upset actually, the feeling of “really need to go but cannot go” was terrible!
From my past experience in kindergarten, usually the preparation days will always be very busy and teachers will treasure every moment to do up classroom etc but not so in LSK.
From like 9am+ to 12pm+ we had worship/praying/sharing session.
Then after lunch was short sharing/praying here and there before we went into admin. It was already 3pm+ when we were released to do our own stuff.
Two feelings after the principal shared … CHALLENGED + PRESSURE
A part of me is really looking forward to my journey in LSK, a total different environment, culture and working habit from all my previous kindergartens BUT on the other part of me, I am actually quite fxxxfxx - never had this kind of feel when I start anew at previous kindergartens.
Dear God, please enlarge my capacity! I want to be able to live up to standard of LSK!
Give me the wisdom, the creativity, the boldness, the favor of man as I start my adventure in LSK. Thank you God!
Monday, December 28, 2009
2009's LaSt Cg
27 Dec - Jm1Jm2 back to school
Our belated Christmas celebration cum Thanksgiving.
As shared during the “1 minute moment” - I’m just proud being a member of Jm1Jm2, is definitely a privilege to be in a ministry cg.
I guess one “tough moment” of my 2009 will be during my diploma period, the pressure I have from course + work + health etc. I really thank God for every single one who have cheered me on.
Special thanks to…
Lily - Thank you for the space you gave when I asked for break, for requesting the rest not to “disturb” me. Thank you for the card you mailed over! You don’t know how important the card was during the period.
Joli - Thank you for just being there! Your constant smses, your regular JIAYOUs and help offered really made me feel very loved and that I‘m not alone!
Santhi - Thank you for that fellowship on 25/3/09! You wont believe this - then and then despite the busyness, I was badly in need for fellowship and God sent you!
Adiel - Thank you for your smses and regards!
Rick - Thank you for your calls, your regular regards & your prayers!

And even when my course ended, on my graduation day … thank you ALL for making it so special and memorable for me!
Thank you Jinzhi & Rick for being there!
Thank you Lily & Santhi for the gifts!
Thank you ALL for the wishes and celebration!
All in all, Yanni want to thank everyone in Jm1Jm2 for their friendship and love! *hug*

Not forgetting…
Jinzhi, Lizhen & May - More than just cg member, thank you for being my great friends! You three are the ones I know I can run to when I need help or fellowship or even jokes?
Melvin & Albert - More than just being a “faithful readers” to my blog, thank you guys for the concern you shown when you “discern” something not right from my blog.
Our belated Christmas celebration cum Thanksgiving.
As shared during the “1 minute moment” - I’m just proud being a member of Jm1Jm2, is definitely a privilege to be in a ministry cg.
I guess one “tough moment” of my 2009 will be during my diploma period, the pressure I have from course + work + health etc. I really thank God for every single one who have cheered me on.
Special thanks to…
Lily - Thank you for the space you gave when I asked for break, for requesting the rest not to “disturb” me. Thank you for the card you mailed over! You don’t know how important the card was during the period.
Joli - Thank you for just being there! Your constant smses, your regular JIAYOUs and help offered really made me feel very loved and that I‘m not alone!
Santhi - Thank you for that fellowship on 25/3/09! You wont believe this - then and then despite the busyness, I was badly in need for fellowship and God sent you!
Adiel - Thank you for your smses and regards!
Rick - Thank you for your calls, your regular regards & your prayers!

And even when my course ended, on my graduation day … thank you ALL for making it so special and memorable for me!
Thank you Jinzhi & Rick for being there!
Thank you Lily & Santhi for the gifts!
Thank you ALL for the wishes and celebration!
All in all, Yanni want to thank everyone in Jm1Jm2 for their friendship and love! *hug*

Not forgetting…
Jinzhi, Lizhen & May - More than just cg member, thank you for being my great friends! You three are the ones I know I can run to when I need help or fellowship or even jokes?
Melvin & Albert - More than just being a “faithful readers” to my blog, thank you guys for the concern you shown when you “discern” something not right from my blog.
ChRiStMaS rOCk
21 Dec to 23 Dec - Rehearsals @ JW, worked together with Adiel & Ricando for the Fashion Show. Woo… check out our cool models!

22 Dec - Outreaches @ 3 homes … Sunlove, Surya, Mindsville.
Though was last minute but thank God for the opportunity to lead games and to act.
Quite disappointed with my performance @ games actually … could have been better.

Games time!!!

24 Dec - CHC Christmas @ Expo
Awesome service! =) Thank God I managed to get in the main hall.
25 Dec - JAMs Christmas Rock
Thank God for the 26 students & 2 caregivers on board W5 with 0 ama! Really thank God for everyone … it been quite amazing! Instead of me calling up the backsliders, the backsliders actually called me ONE by ONE (not just one or two, to be exact, more than 5) to say they want to come and they kept their word and came!
26 Dec - Farewell~~ Last svc of 2009. Tangible presence of God.

22 Dec - Outreaches @ 3 homes … Sunlove, Surya, Mindsville.
Though was last minute but thank God for the opportunity to lead games and to act.
Quite disappointed with my performance @ games actually … could have been better.

24 Dec - CHC Christmas @ Expo
Awesome service! =) Thank God I managed to get in the main hall.
25 Dec - JAMs Christmas Rock
Thank God for the 26 students & 2 caregivers on board W5 with 0 ama! Really thank God for everyone … it been quite amazing! Instead of me calling up the backsliders, the backsliders actually called me ONE by ONE (not just one or two, to be exact, more than 5) to say they want to come and they kept their word and came!
26 Dec - Farewell~~ Last svc of 2009. Tangible presence of God.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
mY lOnG aWaItEd HoLiDaY pArT 3
The people who you go oversea with = very important.
Throughout this Melbourne trip, I thank God for great Dao You & oversea kakis! =)

My holiday has long officially ended, back to “work” after I came back.
Actually even before I came back to Singapore, I already started “working”. Haiz… quite sad ar. Haha!
“moral of the story: leave your hp at home when you go oversea”

Looking forward to my next oversea holiday next year~~ Where/When will it be~~~
And yes, how can I end this blog without thanking the people who have blessed me throughout this trip - my papa, my brothers, my grandma and Jane's mum! Thank you ALL! =)
Throughout this Melbourne trip, I thank God for great Dao You & oversea kakis! =)
My holiday has long officially ended, back to “work” after I came back.
Actually even before I came back to Singapore, I already started “working”. Haiz… quite sad ar. Haha!
“moral of the story: leave your hp at home when you go oversea”

Looking forward to my next oversea holiday next year~~ Where/When will it be~~~
And yes, how can I end this blog without thanking the people who have blessed me throughout this trip - my papa, my brothers, my grandma and Jane's mum! Thank you ALL! =)
mY lOnG aWaItEd HoLiDaY pArT 2
15 Dec - Rented a cab and set off to the countryside. Love the place, love the cottages! Up up up the winding road, down down down the curvy road… our driver Mr Teng was enjoying every moment, he was saying he didn’t step on anything but just let the car down by itself with just controlling the brake.

Our brunch @ Miss Marples’ Tea Room was awesome!
We had another drive up the mountain top - Mount Dandenong! I simply love the views! Thank God for the sufficient time, we then hurried over with the help of GPS to for a ride on Puffing Billy Steam Train. It was a nice experience as we sat on the ChooChoo train with our legs out of the window. We would probably have better views if we have more time for a longer journey.

We returned the car, hurried back for a short rest before setting for a long walk to The University of Melbourne to support Jane at her graduation. It was a grand ceremony with chancellor, lecturers (all dressed up) others. Though there were many graduands but the ceremony was not that long or boring.

A busy and packed day ended with us searching high and low for our dinner cum supper as the shops in Melbourne close pretty early. We eventually settled down with sandwiches from Subway and Korean cup noodles.
16 Dec - an eventFUL and HOT HOT HOT day
We woke up pretty early as we have signed up for a day tour and got to catch the bus.
It was a loooooooong journey to our destination - Grampians National Park, 3hrs up up and 3hrs down down.
Throughout I really got to salute our female driver who drove for more than 6hrs (with just a few breaks), who drove verrrrrrry fast on a straight expressway and the curvy hills up and down. As I was at the window seat, I could actually see the bus at the edge of the mountain when she made those sharp turns - is like one mistake from her and our bus will go tumbling down.
We had many stops (included those we had our break) - we visited town of Beautfort, Halls Gap, among the trees to look for kangaroos, Bambruk Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Boroka Lookout, the Balconies, Mackenzie Falls, Jaws of Death etc.

One of the challenges throughout this entire day tour was THE WEATHER! It was sooooooo hot where we constantly had to do the “Aussie Waves” aka shooing the flies. Another would be climbing 200 steps down and 200 steps up for the view of Mackenzie Falls - problem not on the legs actually but it was the air that made us hard to breathe.

Unlike many others who was soundly asleep throughout the ENTIRE or even half of the journey, I was enjoying myself looking out of the window for the beautiful scenery (the cloud especially) and of course enjoying the fast roller-car ride. Haha! I only went into dreamland on our way back to the city.
Our long day ended with a delicious Korean cuisine and followed by the delicious ice-cream (it was long queue when we went there) for dessert, our last night @ Melbourne so definitely must have another taste on the delicious ice-cream.
17 Dec - we started the day with breakfast and shop @ Queen Victoria Market. I had “borek”, something like chicken pie and is really nice!
We had another delicious brunch @ a HK style restaurant before we had a quick shop @ DFO and in the city. After two HOT HOT days, the cooooold weather back!

We left Melbourne to Singapore in the evening.
Was “selected” to take the Business Class and it was … … FANTASTIC!
Light snack before the plane takes off, solid appetizer, delicious main course, abundance of juice/wine, many choices of fruit/bread, pretty dessert, chocolate from Godiva!
Spacious space, comfortable seat with massage, 180dg bed, big LCD tv with big headset, special treatment, quality freebies given etc etc.

18 Dec - miss Melbourne! Haha!
Jetlag? Was so tired that I spent it on sleeping sleeping and sleeping.
Our brunch @ Miss Marples’ Tea Room was awesome!
We had another drive up the mountain top - Mount Dandenong! I simply love the views! Thank God for the sufficient time, we then hurried over with the help of GPS to for a ride on Puffing Billy Steam Train. It was a nice experience as we sat on the ChooChoo train with our legs out of the window. We would probably have better views if we have more time for a longer journey.
16 Dec - an eventFUL and HOT HOT HOT day
We woke up pretty early as we have signed up for a day tour and got to catch the bus.
It was a loooooooong journey to our destination - Grampians National Park, 3hrs up up and 3hrs down down.
Throughout I really got to salute our female driver who drove for more than 6hrs (with just a few breaks), who drove verrrrrrry fast on a straight expressway and the curvy hills up and down. As I was at the window seat, I could actually see the bus at the edge of the mountain when she made those sharp turns - is like one mistake from her and our bus will go tumbling down.
We had many stops (included those we had our break) - we visited town of Beautfort, Halls Gap, among the trees to look for kangaroos, Bambruk Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Boroka Lookout, the Balconies, Mackenzie Falls, Jaws of Death etc.

17 Dec - we started the day with breakfast and shop @ Queen Victoria Market. I had “borek”, something like chicken pie and is really nice!
We had another delicious brunch @ a HK style restaurant before we had a quick shop @ DFO and in the city. After two HOT HOT days, the cooooold weather back!
Was “selected” to take the Business Class and it was … … FANTASTIC!
Light snack before the plane takes off, solid appetizer, delicious main course, abundance of juice/wine, many choices of fruit/bread, pretty dessert, chocolate from Godiva!
Spacious space, comfortable seat with massage, 180dg bed, big LCD tv with big headset, special treatment, quality freebies given etc etc.
18 Dec - miss Melbourne! Haha!
Jetlag? Was so tired that I spent it on sleeping sleeping and sleeping.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
EnD oF a JoUrNeY
As promised, I went back to HT schoolhouse to “visit” my angels & ex-colleagues today.
Due to the holiday period, not many angels came actually but still it been a pleasant catch-up with ex-colleagues and of course seeing my angels again!
According to my ex-colleague, my left was only strongly felt by the children and teachers 2-3 weeks later after I left. Haha! Cause they felt I’m only away for holiday/mc.
Guess today will be my first and last visit to HT schoolhouse (the next hopefully will be their concert in 2010). With that it officially marked the end of my journey with them.
It had been a good 2 years with CN kindergarten + 1 year in HT schoolhouse. Is the same school actually, just that there was a change of management.
In the 3yrs,
I was given many responsibilities…
I was given much trust…
I was given many opportunities…
I experienced tremendous favor…
I went through 1.5years of Diploma in Preschool Teaching…
I did my practicum…
I met great colleagues who I can be myself when I'm with them…
I met awesome angels who never fail to brighten up my life EVERYDAY…
I met nice parents…

Every phase of our life is never to waste.
How I started in CN kindergarten…
How God see me through the 3 years…
How I ended my journey in CN kindergarten…
Next year I will be starting a brand new journey.
Definitely will have fear… got to keep praying.
And to "encourage" myself with the replys I had when I left HT schoolhouse - the tremendous favor which I’m sure if God can do it for me in HT schoolhouse, God will do it for me again in my next workplace!
JIAYOU Cher Lim!
Due to the holiday period, not many angels came actually but still it been a pleasant catch-up with ex-colleagues and of course seeing my angels again!
According to my ex-colleague, my left was only strongly felt by the children and teachers 2-3 weeks later after I left. Haha! Cause they felt I’m only away for holiday/mc.
Guess today will be my first and last visit to HT schoolhouse (the next hopefully will be their concert in 2010). With that it officially marked the end of my journey with them.
It had been a good 2 years with CN kindergarten + 1 year in HT schoolhouse. Is the same school actually, just that there was a change of management.
In the 3yrs,
I was given many responsibilities…
I was given much trust…
I was given many opportunities…
I experienced tremendous favor…
I went through 1.5years of Diploma in Preschool Teaching…
I did my practicum…
I met great colleagues who I can be myself when I'm with them…
I met awesome angels who never fail to brighten up my life EVERYDAY…
I met nice parents…

Every phase of our life is never to waste.
How I started in CN kindergarten…
How God see me through the 3 years…
How I ended my journey in CN kindergarten…
Next year I will be starting a brand new journey.
Definitely will have fear… got to keep praying.
And to "encourage" myself with the replys I had when I left HT schoolhouse - the tremendous favor which I’m sure if God can do it for me in HT schoolhouse, God will do it for me again in my next workplace!
JIAYOU Cher Lim!
mY lOnG aWaItEd HoLiDaY pArT 1
Warning!!! Looooooooooong entries for part 1 and part 2.
Can’t really remember when was my last oversea trip but as the year draws to an end, I was really (x10) desperately longing for a holiday!
Taiwan? Bali? Melbourne? HK? Anywhere & anytime… I just want to leave Singapore!
Had an awesome five days four nights trip in Melbourne! * satisfied *
12 Dec night - departed via Emirates
Guess it was the longest flight I ever taken… 7hrs! The second longest will be 4hrs to Perth.
Throughout the smooth flight, I only managed to catch half an hour sleep cause my legs felt terrible but still I was all energetic and excited when I reached Melbourne!

13 Dec - landed @ Melbourne International Airport.
Tight security check + nice airport. Only disappointing was that we waited for more than half an hour for our luggage.
Felt a blow of cooooold wind when I stepped out, thought it was the aircon but it was actually the wind! Opps!
After meeting up with Jane Dao You, we set off via a van sized cab to her house, our accommodation. It was a shocking ride to see the meter jumped $0.10 EVERY second.
Due to the lack of sleep, two of them actually stayed in to catch some sleep while another two of us set off with our Dao You to Queen Victoria Market (one of Melb’s places of interest) to pack lunch and a quick shop at the city & supermarket which is pretty cool - the people got to be their own cashier to scan their items, place their items in the bag, pay, get change etc.
I’m just amazed at how much the govt trust the people, the freedom they have @ the supermarket, the tram etc. Haha!

After a quick lunch, we set off via tram to the church Jane is attending, Planetshakers City Church!
Wow! Very impressed and touched by their “Gift Giving Service” - the members brought presents to give to the less fortunate children. Looking at the size/quantity of the presents just made me amazed at their generosity and effort. We even went for their “Newcomers Tea” and received their freebies. *shy* Haha!

Our night ended with a sumptuous but affordable dinner @ a pizza place @ Lygon St. We shared a BIG pizza and few other dishes. When the waiter placed the BIG pizza on our table, he looked at us and left with this “May the force be with you!”. Woooo… haha!
We then had suuuuuuuuuuuper yummy ice-cream on our walk home. I love the ice-cream! Oh man! They have different flavors like Tiramisu, Roche, and Snickers etc etc.
But the fun and greatest challenge is to eat the freezing ice-cream with our freezing hands along the freezing street. Haha! But I love it!
14 Dec - “messed up” by the timing … haha … as Melb is 3hrs earlier than Spore so got to adjust to the sleeping/waking up time and definitely the makan time. Just imagine having to take breakfast at like 5am+ and dinner @ 5pm+? Haha!
We had our brunch @ a restaurant inside a small alley. Good food! Though was struggling to eat cause of the portion and the time. The most nice part is that this meal and even for the rest of our meals was all with good quality and quantity but we didn’t spend a lot, all affordable prices.
All thanks to our Dao You for her recommendations!
We visited Flinders Street Station, Melbourne Visitor Centre, Federation Square, ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) aka like museum, State Library of Victoria, Chinatown where we had our roasted milk tea, had a shop @ Harbour Town Shopping Centre and Docklands where we had ice-cream accompanied by the freezing wind and followed by sets of fish & chips.

The last point was @ Crown Casino & Crown Entertainment Complex where we were entertained with a performance entitled “Christmas Spectular” - grand and awesome! And of course visited the casino and arcade before we set off.

Our day ended with a simple but delicious Vietnam cuisine which thereafter too full for dessert.
Can’t really remember when was my last oversea trip but as the year draws to an end, I was really (x10) desperately longing for a holiday!
Taiwan? Bali? Melbourne? HK? Anywhere & anytime… I just want to leave Singapore!
Had an awesome five days four nights trip in Melbourne! * satisfied *
12 Dec night - departed via Emirates
Guess it was the longest flight I ever taken… 7hrs! The second longest will be 4hrs to Perth.
Throughout the smooth flight, I only managed to catch half an hour sleep cause my legs felt terrible but still I was all energetic and excited when I reached Melbourne!
13 Dec - landed @ Melbourne International Airport.
Tight security check + nice airport. Only disappointing was that we waited for more than half an hour for our luggage.
Felt a blow of cooooold wind when I stepped out, thought it was the aircon but it was actually the wind! Opps!
After meeting up with Jane Dao You, we set off via a van sized cab to her house, our accommodation. It was a shocking ride to see the meter jumped $0.10 EVERY second.
Due to the lack of sleep, two of them actually stayed in to catch some sleep while another two of us set off with our Dao You to Queen Victoria Market (one of Melb’s places of interest) to pack lunch and a quick shop at the city & supermarket which is pretty cool - the people got to be their own cashier to scan their items, place their items in the bag, pay, get change etc.
I’m just amazed at how much the govt trust the people, the freedom they have @ the supermarket, the tram etc. Haha!
After a quick lunch, we set off via tram to the church Jane is attending, Planetshakers City Church!
Wow! Very impressed and touched by their “Gift Giving Service” - the members brought presents to give to the less fortunate children. Looking at the size/quantity of the presents just made me amazed at their generosity and effort. We even went for their “Newcomers Tea” and received their freebies. *shy* Haha!
Our night ended with a sumptuous but affordable dinner @ a pizza place @ Lygon St. We shared a BIG pizza and few other dishes. When the waiter placed the BIG pizza on our table, he looked at us and left with this “May the force be with you!”. Woooo… haha!
We then had suuuuuuuuuuuper yummy ice-cream on our walk home. I love the ice-cream! Oh man! They have different flavors like Tiramisu, Roche, and Snickers etc etc.
But the fun and greatest challenge is to eat the freezing ice-cream with our freezing hands along the freezing street. Haha! But I love it!
14 Dec - “messed up” by the timing … haha … as Melb is 3hrs earlier than Spore so got to adjust to the sleeping/waking up time and definitely the makan time. Just imagine having to take breakfast at like 5am+ and dinner @ 5pm+? Haha!
We had our brunch @ a restaurant inside a small alley. Good food! Though was struggling to eat cause of the portion and the time. The most nice part is that this meal and even for the rest of our meals was all with good quality and quantity but we didn’t spend a lot, all affordable prices.
All thanks to our Dao You for her recommendations!
We visited Flinders Street Station, Melbourne Visitor Centre, Federation Square, ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) aka like museum, State Library of Victoria, Chinatown where we had our roasted milk tea, had a shop @ Harbour Town Shopping Centre and Docklands where we had ice-cream accompanied by the freezing wind and followed by sets of fish & chips.
The last point was @ Crown Casino & Crown Entertainment Complex where we were entertained with a performance entitled “Christmas Spectular” - grand and awesome! And of course visited the casino and arcade before we set off.
Our day ended with a simple but delicious Vietnam cuisine which thereafter too full for dessert.
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