Due to the holiday period, not many angels came actually but still it been a pleasant catch-up with ex-colleagues and of course seeing my angels again!
According to my ex-colleague, my left was only strongly felt by the children and teachers 2-3 weeks later after I left. Haha! Cause they felt I’m only away for holiday/mc.
Guess today will be my first and last visit to HT schoolhouse (the next hopefully will be their concert in 2010). With that it officially marked the end of my journey with them.
It had been a good 2 years with CN kindergarten + 1 year in HT schoolhouse. Is the same school actually, just that there was a change of management.
In the 3yrs,
I was given many responsibilities…
I was given much trust…
I was given many opportunities…
I experienced tremendous favor…
I went through 1.5years of Diploma in Preschool Teaching…
I did my practicum…
I met great colleagues who I can be myself when I'm with them…
I met awesome angels who never fail to brighten up my life EVERYDAY…
I met nice parents…

Every phase of our life is never to waste.
How I started in CN kindergarten…
How God see me through the 3 years…
How I ended my journey in CN kindergarten…
Next year I will be starting a brand new journey.
Definitely will have fear… got to keep praying.
And to "encourage" myself with the replys I had when I left HT schoolhouse - the tremendous favor which I’m sure if God can do it for me in HT schoolhouse, God will do it for me again in my next workplace!
JIAYOU Cher Lim!
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