Tuesday, December 01, 2009

fAvOr Of GoD - 1

Attn! I seldom “encourage” readers to read any special entry in my blog BUT this time I strongly encourage all readers to read this entry (though rather long).
… pardon me for being overly-detailed for this entry

* shout it out * THANK GOD FOR FAVOR!!!!!!!!!
Is regarding my job.

If you been a faithful reader to my blog, you would have know that the school I’m working in (used to work in) been changed from kindergarten to childcare.

To cut this entry “short”- right from the start, my principal JN & one of the big boss ST already know that I prefer kindergarten setting. But as it was a transition period for the school, they asked me to stay to help or at least to try out before considering again whether I want to continue in 2010.

After a good half a year, I confirmed my decision to return to kindergarten. With that I tendered my resignation end of Oct. Somehow JN & ST already expected so the moment I went in to the office with an envelope, one of them said “Why? You also want to leave already right?” in a casual mode.

They tried to keep me, asked me to reconsider after listing all good points about childcare. But I didn’t accept as I was sure and firm with my decision this time. The short meeting ended nicely.
Less than 5mins after I left the office, ST personally came up to my classroom and asked me am I keen to go to her another childcare to work. If I were to go over, just for me she is willing to increase my leave from 14 to 21 days and increase my pay.
* wow wow *

Hmm… I rejected her offer … opps … told S that I really appreciate her offer but I didn’t want to let her be in a difficult position too.
After the management accept my resignation, I started to break the news to my bestest colleagues and then I received dayssss of “nagging session”. Haha!

The favor of God is not over yet… =)

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