Our belated Christmas celebration cum Thanksgiving.
As shared during the “1 minute moment” - I’m just proud being a member of Jm1Jm2, is definitely a privilege to be in a ministry cg.
I guess one “tough moment” of my 2009 will be during my diploma period, the pressure I have from course + work + health etc. I really thank God for every single one who have cheered me on.
Special thanks to…
Lily - Thank you for the space you gave when I asked for break, for requesting the rest not to “disturb” me. Thank you for the card you mailed over! You don’t know how important the card was during the period.
Joli - Thank you for just being there! Your constant smses, your regular JIAYOUs and help offered really made me feel very loved and that I‘m not alone!
Santhi - Thank you for that fellowship on 25/3/09! You wont believe this - then and then despite the busyness, I was badly in need for fellowship and God sent you!
Adiel - Thank you for your smses and regards!
Rick - Thank you for your calls, your regular regards & your prayers!

And even when my course ended, on my graduation day … thank you ALL for making it so special and memorable for me!
Thank you Jinzhi & Rick for being there!
Thank you Lily & Santhi for the gifts!
Thank you ALL for the wishes and celebration!
All in all, Yanni want to thank everyone in Jm1Jm2 for their friendship and love! *hug*

Not forgetting…
Jinzhi, Lizhen & May - More than just cg member, thank you for being my great friends! You three are the ones I know I can run to when I need help or fellowship or even jokes?
Melvin & Albert - More than just being a “faithful readers” to my blog, thank you guys for the concern you shown when you “discern” something not right from my blog.
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