Seriously speaking, I wasn’t in a hurry to look for a new kindergarten. Opps!
My colleagues actually “scolded” me for that and said that I should actually find a school first before quitting.
I was actually rather passive in hunting for kindergarten.
I was still thinking that I will start hunting after my Dec holiday so I can enjoy my holiday peacefully … opps … =p
Everything was so timely!
Few weeks ago, two of my colleagues and myself were talking about the different kindergarten/childcare then my colleague suggested that should look for church instead of p_p kindergarten. The affecting factor is the pay.
I cant confirm much about but I also heard from one of my coursemates who works in p_p kindergarten that there’s a change to the “pay system” all across and somehow the starting pay for a teacher with Diploma is not that high.
So then I told myself “Ok! Once I am ready, I will try to look for church kindergarten!”
Everything was indeed timely! I cant, really can’t believe it myself!
On my graduation day, one of my coursemates TF asked me about my school, whether am I staying there for long. So I briefly told her I am considering leaving. Immediately she asked me whether am I interested to go try out her school. But somehow there wasn’t any confirmed details before we went on separate way.
Just when I thought everything back to normal (since I also don’t wish to get a job so quickly).
~A week later, TF called me to ask about it.
The school don’t publish ad on the newspaper, is all through recommendation.
Then I was likewise passive so I didn’t give her an answer immediately but instead I told her I will call back after I’m done with all the mega events @ schoolhouse first.
Ok… I also thought probably “let the time wash away all her memory” and I was somehow hopping that she won’t call back.
But I was wrong… seem like TF was more active than me!
The day after my concert, she called me again. I missed her first call but she called back and then is when she asked me to go over her side for interview.
I told her yes but actually at the point of time, I don’t really have the heart of going but rather to “entertain” her or even to stop her from calling after that… oops!
Everything FAST - the interview was arranged the following day.
It was a short, simple and nice interview with the motherly principal. It was awesome!
Due to some official moe letter, nothing was concluded and she only can briefly shared with me about their kindergarten.
I went back again three days with the official moe letter as she needed that to continue our interview further.
The moment we started our 2nd interview, I was so @@ that the principal actually passed me the rough schedule of events for 2010. * I was puzzled *
Then she moved on to tell me the requirements, expectations, job scope etc etc.
To cut it “short” again - I’m actually selected for a post of a teacher!!!!
* shout it out * THANK GOD FOR FAVOR!!!
I was telling the principal that I’m actually overwhelmed by her offer.
I was actually expecting like after our 2nd interview, probably she will tell me “Ok! You can go now. We will call you back again whether you are selected a not” BUT instead at my 2nd interview (or even before that), I’m already been selected.
* shout it super loud * THANK GOD!
Not forgetting one of the days, my big boss ST actually smsed me a contact of another church kindergarten - she asked me to call and try. Guess the kindergarten’s principal is her friend. I don’t just have one source of new kindergarten but rather two! Wow wow!
That‘s not the end yet. =)
The pay offered by the new kindergarten - Will it be lesser? Will there be a mega drop from childcare?
With the consideration of my experience and qualifications, the principal offered me an amount that caused me to be @@!
It was MUCH MORE than what I expected as I was actually expecting a big or at a very obvious drop from my childcare pay that I’m withdrawing afterall shorter working hour.
Just when I thought I want to wait till Dec then look for job…
Just when I thought it will be a long time for me to find a kindergarten…
Just when I thought I may have to go for many interviews…
Just when I thought I will “struggle” to look for job..
“Truly God can do exceedingly and abundantly all that we can ask or imagine"

All I can say is "WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!!" God is really good and I'm shouting out loud with you! :)
Be blessed and God's favour continue to be with you in your new workplace.
praise God! really happy for you :)
omg!!!! u r so hotsell!!!! got people headhunt u... so good... grab the good opportunity k???
@ Ing
Amen and Amen! =) Yes, got to continue to pray for God's favor, esp where I'm going to start my brand new journey in a new school.
@ Becca
Yeah! Thank you! =)
I'm soooooooo happy too!
How's your side?
@ Ah Li
=) All thanks to my Father!
Started at my new workplace for a week already... so far so good.
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