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Yesterday was 29 Dec 2010
Today is 30 Dec 2010
Tomorrow will be 31 Dec 2010
Officially it been 6weeks holiday… minus off the weeks that I was back in school, probably left with around 4weeks…
This 4weeks was totally off from work as in not a single moment was I doing or thinking about work. Hee! Nothing big was accomplished during this holiday but still it been quite a pleasant one.
Officially will be heading back to school on 4 Jan 2011
Mixed feelings as my role and responsibilities in LSK will be different, very different in the new school year.
JIAYOU Miss Lim … for a year of new things!
JIAYOU Yanni … for a year of new challenge!
Here wishing all my faithful blog readers .. .. .. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Cheers to an awesome 2011!
JAMs’ Christmas 2010 - Here Is Love
Was involved in the drama and this time acted as “Ah Ma”
I am of course not the best candidate for the role but whatever it is, I gave my best at the performance!

It wasn’t easy during the period of rehearsals.
First was my wisdom tooth infectious thus one side of my face was swollen and I had difficulty in talking and also wasn’t in the mood to talk. I was in pain/discomfort during most of the rehearsals that I got to pop in panadol to cut down the pain.
On the actual day, I was so happy that the pain at my wisdom tooth ceased… BUT next came immediately, my lips - Lips cracked? Allegy to medicine? Heaty?
I also don’t know what's that, though wasn’t in much pain like wisdom tooth but just don’t feel good.
It hurts when I smile… It hurts even when I don’t talk…
Half of my “image” was gone the moment I put on “Ah Ma” attire and full makeup.
But all of my “image” was gone the moment the “Ah Ma” photos was uploaded to FB! Haha!
But still… nice experience! =)

Thank God for EVERYONE on board W5! Ended the year with 25 + 1 caregiver!
3 backsliders came back and one of them actually MIA for a year already. Not forgetting 1 “new” friend!
Had a new driver that day as my all-time driver went overseas.
Guess is really through this moment then you realized how good your own uncle is.
Meeting time was 9am.
Bus was nowhere to be seen at 905am so I decided to call the driver as was told the night before from his boss that he can be quite “slow”.
I called him…
“Hello Mr Ang, are you reaching already?”
“Not yet. Why?”
Flipped… late already still can asked me “why?
Then during dismissal, I called him 10mins earlier to come over to carpark but sad to say, he was late again! Haiz!
But still, he been a good and patient driver … even when I gave a wrong direction. Haha!
Though no overseas trip this holiday (sad!) but still, had a fruitful Dec!
More than just rest, rest, rest & rest… I spent it with great people!
#1 - Dinner with Ah Qi & Ah Jing then chill/movie with Ah Jing & Ah Yin
Much was shared… Much was “discussed”… Much was talked…
Much were "suspected"
Some truth brought smilez… Some brought shock… Some brought disappointments… Some brought doubts…
Sound dramatic? Haha! All in all… it been an awesome time with them! They are a group of friends I treasure a lot, a alot... really a lot!

#2 - Gathering with Lim Clan
Can’t join them for part1 but thank God was able to for part2!
We used to meet once a year … during CNY! Haha!
But in the recent year, we started meeting up often!
We talked, talked, talked, talked, talked and TALKED until the next thing we realized it was 12am plus! All agreed that anyway midnight charge so we continued.
From dinner, we had our supper too. Almost breakfast even! Haha!
It was already 2am plus when we left. Though it was a challenge to wake up for JAMs but it was all worth it!
#3 - ECP
Thank God for the good weather! Had a great time of fellowship @ ECP with Miss Tan!
Appreciate her immediate-onz when I suggested the day before!
1 + 2 … had a solid 3hrs of cycling! We went up to Changi Beach Park.
#4 - Birthday parties
Just before school holiday, attended one student’s bdae with Mrs E Tan and Z Laoshi. Just when we thought that was the “last” as we attended quite a few this year but just recently, received two invitations via smses.
As it was already holiday thus the parents cant pass the invitation cards to the classmates so this when Miss Lim came in. I actually helped both parents to send smses and mailed invitation cards. Time and $$$ spent but did it willingly. Glad I’m able to be of help!
@ Child J’s McDonald Party

@ Child A’s Home-Bdae cum Christmas Party
#5 - Dinner with Ah Yang & Ah Jiang
After arranging quite some time, our date was successful this time!
A simple meal + a simple fellowship.
We had a mini shop @ Popular … blessed Ah Yang’s son with a toy and he was sooooo happy that he kept thanking me. Am glad to be able to make his day! Not forgetting done with some clearing stuffs and packing my room!
Did some shopping too!
And of course caught the movies I been wanting to watch!