mOmEnT 36
* Cher Lim asking the K2 children which primary school they will be going *
Cher Lim: Child Ch, which primary school are you going?
Child Ch: XXX Primray School
Cher Lim: Oh… is a Girls’ school
Child Ch: Yes!
Child C: I going YYY Primary School
* Child so and so and so eagerly shouting out the name of their primary school too *
* out of the sudden *
Child Ch: Teacher Lim, you have daughter?
Cher Lim: Haha! I am not married so no daughter yet
Child Ch: Oh…
mOmEnT 37
* work time *
Child J: June! June is my birthday!
Child C: December is my birthday, same with God!
Friend I: God? Really same with God?
mOmEnT 38
* play time … Cher Lim overheard a “quarrel” between three boys *
Boy J: #*#$&#^# You don’t know is it?
Boy F: I really don’t know. You cannot see mehz, I am still so short. I am young.
Boy J: …
mOmEnT 39
Child J: Cher Lim, today has homework a not?
Cher Lim: Hmm…
Child G: Today we have Chinese homework…
Child J: So we have English homework?
Cher Lim: * considering *
Child J: Please Teacher Lim, don’t give us homework
Cher Lim: * didn’t has the intention right from the beginning to give them actually * Yup… no English homework
Child J & Child G: Yeah!!!
Child J: Later I finish my homework, I can play already! Yeah~~
Friend S: I… Later I have tuition. I have tuition from Mon to Fri
* just a simple conversation but when I heard that from Friend S, I was pretty upset actually … somehow feel like I’m teaching older children (like in primary or even sec school?) cause of the work load and expectation they are receiving now, even at such young age *

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