Tuesday, December 08, 2009

pRe-NeW jOuRnEy

Though my official employment date @ LSK, my new workplace is next year but I was there for the whole of last week and yesterday.

No pay for the one week but was encouraged to go back (I believed there is a need too) to familiarize with the system, to go through/discuss the lesson plan, to prepare the resources/board etc.

It pretty tiring as was there from 8am+ to 5pm and definitely not free-and-easy time.
And just yesterday was there till 7pm!

Looking forward to my journey in LSK with friendly colleaguesssss, nice principal and a “healthy“ working environment. Keep me in prayers as LSK definitely runs DIFFERENTLY from my previous schoolhouse and even p_p kindergarten too.

A part of me is looking forward to take up the challenges but another part of me is actually pretty fearful that I will not be able to meet up to their requirements.

Some of the challenges/”new” task:
- to take a class of close to 30 children per session
- to conduct experiments, “messy” experiments with them
* this is where class room management tested
- to conduct visitation
- portfolio, check-list for EVERY child
- the way the school system run
- to follow the school's strict admin system
- etc etc

Woohoo~~~ =)


NHI said...

Wow, what school is that? Impressive. Visitation! So you'll hv double, triple visitations next year, plus visiting JAMs students. Wow wow!

lyn said...

Yes... visitation all days!
In the west for JAMs and in the north for school, will be having close to 50 students to visit. Woooo~~~

:: sEcRet LaDy :: said...

seems interesting...

lyn said...

interesting? hmm... yes it will be! =)