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WARNING! This entry is long!
These few days been bad for Miss Lim.
At my previous entry, I ended by saying that I may be in another “trouble”. This what happened…
Back in school on Thurs, I was inserting observation report into children's observation file. Just when I’m happy that I’m on time with everything that need to be done … I was SHOCKED when I can't find Child S’ observation file.
After checking around, I smsed Child S’ mum to check if is at home.
The moment I stepped out of the school, I was sooooooooooo worried!
Reason being that I know the importance of the observation report file. This is something like a report book which has ALL the records of the child not just in K2 but since Child S joined the school. And not just one record every year but 4 every year! That’s why I have so much stress!
If the missing observation file belongs to a PN and N then not so bad? Then will need to retrieve back 1-2yrs of data from various teachers.
I was also thinking if the missing observation file belongs to my Child M who joined LSK only this year then not so bad too, I just have to retrieve back on Z Laoshi and my side.
But this time the missing observation file belongs to K2 and that will means to retrieve back since the child was in Nursery and from VARIOUS teachers!
I just know that if I really cant find .. I will be in real deep trouble!
But I couldn’t understand why cause thought to myself that chances very high Child S returned the observation report but on the other hand, there is no reason I will misplace it cause first of all, is a FILE - how would I get to throw it and second of all - I know the importance so whenever I collected from a child, immediately I will place it in one of the locker-cupboard.
I was so “fearful” that I didn’t sleep well on Thurs night … was telling my colleague that I even dreamed of it - one episode was file was found and another episode was not.
Fri morning, I wasn't in the mood to talk or even smile. The arrival of children came and I checked Child S’ bag but nothing was found. And later got a sms from the mum that she searched but cant find the observation file at home. My heart dropped.
It was bad during the assembly and time with children … usually if Miss Lim’s day don’t starts well, the moment she stepped into the assembly hall and see the children, she will be lifted up and Miss Lim will forget everything and have fun with the children.
But this time Miss Lim find it soooo hard to talk/smile/joke, even in the presence of my children. Really that bad. Probably to add up to that would be the also the many recent things that happened.
After the first session, I broke the news to my level head - surprisingly she was calm. She said that she will help me search again after school. The whole afternoon I wasn’t in good mood too.
Immediately after school, Z Laoshi came in and helped me searched the place but still cant find. Much cant be done cause we got to excuse ourselves to welcome a group of kindergarten teachers who came to view our school.
It was already almost 5pm when the group of teachers left then again nothing much I can do cause got to rush to visitation with Z Laoshi so just briefly told my level head what happened and that I searched everywhere possible.
She told me that later she will check through her piles of observation files too and that she will look at the “weather” first before informing the principal.
In the bus, I was still thinking about “How?” and “Why?”.
Z Laoshi patted on my shoulder and asked me not to worry but to pray. I told her I did … the moment I cant find the observation I prayed! Not just once too!
Just when I told myself got to cheer myself up for visitation, I received a call from my level head.
“You want good news or bad news first” asked Mrs ML
“Haiz. Bad news then!” replied Miss Lim
“Bad news is that you still lost your observation file” said Mrs ML
* Miss Lim’s heart dropped to the max *
“But good news is that Child S’ observation file is with me!” said Mrs ML
“Huh? What?!” replied Miss Lim
* Mrs ML started to “explain” to me *
Then and then Miss Lim found herself in tears … is that kind of burden being lifted up!
Z Laoshi and I were still "discussing" - how did the observation file in my class appeared in Mrs ML's class!?!? Is unbelievable actually cause this time not crossed-class but crossed-classroom!
But it doesn't matters anymore ... most importantly is the observation file has been found!
Praise the Lord! I’m out of trouble!!!
Is Thurs night … why is Miss Lim at home?
Just when she was about to leave home for cgm, she got the first call from Mrs ML.
What happened: Task A was left undone
Key points addressed: Why didn’t Miss Lim do? Why didn’t Miss Lim remind Mrs ML to do? Miss Lim should have taken the initiative and ownership. And Issue B was addressed too which Miss Lim couldn’t understand/accept.
After: sian-ness in Miss Lim…
A minute later, Miss Lim received another call from Mrs ML again … to tell her that P will be doing.
After: tears were found in Miss Lim’s eyes… =(
Shortly after, Miss Lim got another sms from Mrs ML to say that she should take the responsibility since she is the level head and that she is on her way back to school to do.
Feeling bad, Miss Lim decided to head back to school too.
How Miss Lim “wish” tomorrow never come … may be in another “trouble”. Haiz.
Feeling tired with everything that’s happening...
The last few laps of LSK visitation - done with 2 last week, had 2 this week and another 3 in one day next week. Due to some recent last minute changes, the final lap in Sept will be extended with few more students, still waiting to fix appts.
The 2 houses last week was two extreme - first house was “light-hearted”! It was a pleasant stay throughout and feel comfortable at the place too! No problem communicating with the mum.
But the second house started with a little shock as the mum who we met for the first time don’t look friendly. Not much smile at the start so then and then told myself got to be on form.
But really thank God for the favor … slowly into our conversation, the mum’s wall seen to be broken down and she opened up to both Z Laoshi and myself … even shared with us stuffs non-related to her son. 

Just this week, one of the houses we went was Christian family of 3 children (6yrs, 5yrs, 4yrs). Despite having 3 children (one of them rather “active”), mum takes really good care of them, be it discipline, manners and spiritual aspects etc etc.
Really very encouraged by parents’s humbleness and their strong stand in faith. They will get the children to do devotion EVERYDAY. Before we left, the head of the family said a prayer for the teachers who were there. Wow!
Miss Lim ... Jiayou Jiayou!
Was telling Friend B - the tiredness I experienced this week was not just physical … it was tired tired
Partly could be the to-do-list I have in LSK + the pressure of deadline + the not-enough-time and another could be not enough rest.
Off to bed now...
First prawning experience with Jm1Jm2!
An experience which required great patience! And maybe gentleness?
Other than the company of the antsss + the prawny (like fishy) feeling, I pretty enjoyed prawning!
Beside the boys on board W5, I do have girls who rock too!!!
Miss Helpful #1 - Miss L … due to work, her attendance is not so regular
W5 used to has a pretty “challenging” student - Student I
He cant really express himself in words thus whenever he needs something, he will make some “noise” and if we don’t give him what he wants then he will throw tantrum, big time!During the period of time, Student I was pretty attached to Miss L who happily took care of him.
When Student I made noise A, she knows he wants to pass urine…
When Student I made noise B, she knows he wants his lunch box…
When Student I made noise C, she knows he done eating…
Haha! Miss L simply knows the “needs” of Student I.
Because of Miss L’s build, she had the strength to carry Student I and she will even tickled him, played with him and made him laughed.
Even at times when Student I “manifested” and some time turned “physical“ by hitting or kicking, Miss L will not walk away until I ask her to. After his “manifestation“, w/o any hesitation, Miss L will return to take care of Student I. 
There were time where Miss L got hit by Student I but never once she complained or tell me she don’t want “take care” of Student I.
It always bought =) to me when I see her love and patience.
Eventhough Miss L seldom join us now but I can still remember … that’s how big an impact she had left in Teacher Yanni. Miss Helpful #2 - Miss F
When Miss L stopped coming to church, Miss F took over the to take care of Student I. Likewise she also knows the “needs” of Student I - his different cry means different needs.
Very caringly, Miss F will opened up the lunch box and made sure Student I was eating comfortably and as Miss F will be the first few to alight, she will make sure she get another Mr C to sit with Student I.
Like Miss L, Miss F ever got hit by Student I before too.
“Aiyo! Pain lehz!’ was all the comment she made…
Miss Helpful #3 - Miss H
Miss Helpful #4 - Miss W
They are another two higher female students who I will and can entrust the young/older ones to. More than just getting them up and down the bus, they see to their emotional needs too.
=) Teacher Yanni thank God for helpful and responsible W5 students!
After the long weekend, Miss Lim was back in action yesterday!
No time to “warm up the gear” but immediately got to be in full gear! Wed - welcomed the first group of principals & teachers sent by MOE! Really must salute my senior colleague who I was assisting. At the same time, not one not five but more than 10 adults came in to observe her lesson and how she sent/helped children at learning corners.
Not only that, she conducted it twice as there were many principals/teachers so they were split into two groups.
Oh no! Sept is going to be my turn! Think I’m going to tremble when so many pairs of eyes starring at me! Haha! The day @ LSK ended with a weekly (long) staff meeting!
Was also given the song for my form classes’ concert item… the moment I heard the song, I flipped 10x!
Don’t know to cry or to be happy!
Many of my colleagues said is a nice song … I agreed
99% of my children know the song as it was their concert’09 finale
First challenge - is a Chinese song
Second and GREATEST challenge - is a slow pace song!!! Was given the schedule for rehearsing = got to train the children soon = got to think of the steps/formation soon = headache! Am on “all ready” mode for the remainder Term 3.
As always when the term draws to an end, the busyness will be intense - the termly progress report, children’s observation record, compiling of worksheets etc. And not forgetting to clear off the remainder home visitations.
Am also one of the committee members for Teachers’ Day and that’s means may have to set aside time for discussion etc.
Miss Lim! Be ready till the end of Term 3!
Just when I thought “Peer Sharing” is over … I’m wrong!!!
Next Wednesday another group of principals sent by the MOE will be coming over to our school to see see look look.
Beside "Our Neighbourhood" @ atrium, they will also be in class to observe how lesson is conducted and how children set off to learning corners. This time I’m not conducting, will only be assisting.
But there another group of principals who will be coming in Sept and for that I heard my principal wants me to conduct the class!
* keeping my fingers crossed *
In mid August, there will be an exchange program where a group of teachers from St J Kindergarten who will be coming over to our school as few weeks ago we visited theirs.
Recently my principal passed me a letter from the MOE.
MOE is conducting an assessment on the K1K2 on the curriculum (numeracy & literacy) in preschool. They will gather comments from children, parents and teachers how its help when the children move to primary school etc.
Beside the interviewing, the MOE officers will sit in for two lesson to see how the teacher conduct a Math and English lesson and they may even videotape down for future discussion/assessment as they read assess the school’s curriculum.
And for that - CONFIRMED already - for K2 level, Miss Lim is selected!!!
Oh man! I may be a “junior teacher” @ LSK but the responsibilities given to me is @@!
I ever blogged about them and now I can’t help but to blog about them again. W5 boys rock~~~ Mr Gentleman #1 - Mr Chang
Usually when he got up the bus, he will take out the bag of tags then check with me for friends’ attendance before taking out the tags. Hmm.. this explains why there are so many tags on him? Haha!

He is a guy who takes his responsibilities seriously!
He will get angry if any of his friends lose or never return their tag back. He is also a loving guy with great patience! 
W5 used to have this Student B who needs much assistance when it comes to walking and even getting up/down the bus/seat.
Without fail, Mr Chang will always be there to help! Whenever we reached Student B’s house, he will rolled up his sleeves (a bit drama-rama .. haha!) and even got off the bus before me to help Student B. Never once he complained or even asks for reward. =)
And whenever he sees this particular young Student S feeling sad or crying, he will try all means to cheer her up and at times he will take the initiative to give up his seat to the girls. Mr Gentleman #2 - Mr Lee! The guy wearing red and a “green” spec…
Out of 10, I will give him full mark of 10 for his manhood + servanthood! He is the man!

His “achievements“: (really.. no joke)
1) greets the teachers & uncle the moment he gets up the bus2) takes care of his friends
- this particular Student S has difficulty in walking and has a walking stick and usually I will “assign” Mr Lee to him
- they stayed pretty near and usually Student S wants to alight at a bus stop so to get lunch, Mr Lee will then offered to alight together with him
- on his own, Mr Lee will get down the bus first to assist Student S** in the beginning Teacher Yanni will get up from her seat and then off the bus first to assist Student S down but in the recent weeks, before the bus even stop, Mr Lee will said “Teacher Yanni, you sit! I help him!”.3) during dismissal’s boarding time… he will be the last to get up the bus. He don’t just wait for all his friends to get up, he also wants to go up after both his female teachers! Talk about manhood ar!
4) W5 has this particular TALL Student X who sometimes may just accidentally step on you while walking to the door … think I ever got stepped by him once and Mr Lee saw it
… there was a week when we reached student X’s bus stop, Mr Lee was sitting in front of me, very quickly, he stretched out his hand near to my legs and asked me to be careful and to shift in my legs.5) he will offered to carry the teachers’ bag or even to help me carry my games stuffs I’m simply blessed to have both of them on board W5... =)
And not forgetting other helpful and responsible students…
Many times Teacher Yanni don’t have to personally look after the younger ones or those who needed attention…