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Just when I thought after last week’s Peer Sharing with 30 principals + teachers, the “all observations done” … I was wrong!
Just this week’s Tues, had another round of observation - “Maze” for nursery, “At the Airport” for K1 and “Our Neighborhood” for K2.
Our school been nominated for this “Best Practice” award and thus the judges came to observe how the children worked/interacted at the corners and of course how the teachers be a facilitator to the children. I was @ the “Our Neighborhood” learning corners. Not much formal teaching, I was the facilitator so then can’t prepare much beforehand as still don’t know what to expect from the children so one of the challenges is to know what/how to ask questions.

Actually I was totally not prepared to be “chosen” to lead cause initially when my class of children were being selected, I didn’t expect much because like the children, I’m not very familiar with the corners.
I’m shocked, very shocked when at one of the practices, Principal Mrs E Tan turned to me and said “That day you got to walk around and be a facilitator etc etc…” then in my heart, I was thinking “Hmm.. You mean I will be taking the class when the judges come?!“All in all, thank God that everything went well. Special salute to the children who were awesome & great problem solvers!
One of the judges actually joined in the role-play and gave “difficult situation” to the Little Cashier @ supermarket, Little Nurse & Little Doctor @ clinic and even Little Waitress & Little Cashier @ cafĂ© but all of the children reacted/responded well.

Few days ago, our principal Mrs E Tan shared with us that she received another call from the MOE that LSK being nominated for another award “Best Innovative”. Before she can even finished, a few of the teachers (including myself) who recently got involved in all the formal observations had big reaction and flipped x10. Haha…
But later we realized we wont be involved cause this time only the principal need to do presentation to the respective officers.
* keeping my fingers crossed for any more observation *
scene #18
* child M just “promoted” to be a big brother again *
Miss Lim: Child M, what’s the name of your baby sister?
Child M: Mxxxx
Miss Lim: Wow! That’s a nice name!
Child M: Yes!
Miss Lim: Have you tried carrying her?
Child M: No… she still very small
Miss Lim: I see… Have you tried feeding her?
Child M: No… I don’t have milk
scene #19
* one of the teachers’ husband managed to catch a BAT *
* of course Mrs E Tan wouldn’t want to waste the opportunity *
* Bernard, the Bat was being taken into class *
The children were SHOCKED and EXCITED when they saw the BAT
* they heard about “bat”, they see “bat” in book etc but this is their first time (mine too) to see a BAT up close and personal
* Miss Lim was shocked that she heard more "wow! wow!" and "so cute!" than “eeeeeks”. Haha! scene #20
* before lesson time *
Child JK: * very excitedly and loud * Miss Lim, you have facebook?!
Miss Lim: Haha! Yes I have!
Child CH: I also have! I also have!
Child BW: Me also! Me also!
Child DL: I also got! I also got!
Child LL: My sister has facebook! My sister has!
Child JK: Miss Lim, you got play “Ninja Saga”?
Miss Lim: ????
Child CH: I got play! I already level 20 already!
Child DL: Miss Lim! You what level already?!
Child LL: My sister also got play.
* the more they talked… the more excited/loud they get *
Child CH: Miss Lim, you can add me!
Child DL: Miss Lim, why you haven’t add me as your friend?
Miss Lim: * flipped *
scene #21
* rehearsing for graduation ceremony *
Song item: Did You Know
Mrs O: Children, are you ready to get into your position 2?
Children: Yes!
Mrs O: Remember to do action when you walk to your position ok?
Children: Yes!
* after one round *
Child M: Miss Lim, is very difficult you know … to walk and do action and to see my position and to listen to Mrs O’s instruction.
Teachers: Haha! scene #22
* picture talk about “The Beach” *
Mrs ML: Child S. do you think you are more tan or Mrs ML is more tan?
Child S: * in deep thought * I am milk, you are coffee
Mrs ML: * puzzled * Huh?
Child S: I am milk, you are coffee
Mrs ML: * flipped *
scene #23
* lesson on Graph and we were finding out what’s the popular fruit among the children *
* children pasted the fruit they drew on the chart *
Child A: * came forward and pointed at one of the apples * Iphone!
Miss Lim: Hahaha!
After many days being out, out, out … today I get to rest rest rest
Was “activated” on Tues for “BOL project”.
Together with Pst, we traveled from Rivervale Mall to Rivervale Plaza… from daiso to ntuc… from ntuc to ntuc… from ntuc to XYZ shop… from XYZ shop to medical shop… Glad that I can be of help to Pst.
Really amazed by the effort Pst went for this project. Was thinking actually she don’t really have to do it herself, probably she can just give a “command” or get a committee to do it but instead she went the extra miles - she drove, she walked, she squatted, she stretched, she pushed, she packed etc etc. After zone devotion on Wed, went all the way to BP with Friend HL to do up the cards for the “BOL”. Despite the lateness, the tiredness and having to work the following day, Friend HL endured through. Thank you Friend HL! Not forgetting Friend M who dropped by and accompanied us through!
Search, copy, write, cut, design, punch … we ended everything at 1am plus. From “with borders to no borders”, from “with drawing to no drawing”, from “readable handwriting to xxx handwriting”… haha!
Thank God for His strength that despite having not enough sleep, not only did I woke up earlier than usual, I wasn’t tired/sleepy throughout the day! Had a 1hr plus visitation with Z Laoshi @ Student K’s house on Thurs… supposed to keep it within 1hr but.. .. .. haha! Was late for cg. Last day of the week on Fri - our “weekly exercise” starts immediately after school. We moved, we carried, we pushed, we pulled etc etc.
To add on to our “weekly exercise”, we got another “bonus” @ the church’s main hall.
As we been using the hall for concert practice thus EVERY Mon, we got to go up to carry and push away the musical instrumentsssss and of course EVERY Fri to carry and push back EXACTLY to where it belongs. It was challenging at our first time pushing back, though we have photos but we cant really remember which is for where and where is for which. Haha!
Left school pretty late on Fri… after which rushed to NUH to visit one of my JAMs students, a quite-new friend.
After Sat service, for the first time - headed to RWS with Huili for a splendid performance, “Voyaga de la Vie”, a theatrical rock circus!
My first time to RWS and my first time watching that kind of show… I love it!
One moment I went “Wow! Wow! Wow!”, another I found myself “@@! @@!“ and another moment I found my jaw dropped. Haha! Best of all, FOC tickets … all thanks to Huili!

Going to end my day soon… looking forward to Week 3 @ LSK!
Had a happening Week 2 Day 2...
It was a time of “Peer Sharing” where MOE sent another group of principals/teachers to LSK for observation on learning corners.
This is the xxth time MOE sent group to our school but for the past few times, it was senior teacher Mrs O who conducted the lesson cum learning corners and I just helped around. Though I am not the one conducting but I also can feel the “fear” as at one time not just two or three teachers observe you but rather 10plus.
This time, Principal Mrs E Tan wanted me to take up the challenge.
“the day” on Tues…
Miss Lim was calm until the first batch of 10plus principals/teachers entered my class.
I did my best to conduct the lesson, tried very hard not to look at the many pairs of eyes. Haha!
Thank God that everything went well and of course thank God for the well-disciplined children.
Shortly after, second batch of 10plus principals/teachers entered. And this time I was much calmer and likewise the children were well-behaved.
After which, I walked around to show/explain the different corners’ activities to the various ones.
Finally… “ALL OVER”!!!
Thank God for the favor and good feedback from Principal Mrs E Tan.
An encouraging verse from Santhi...
"Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men."
Prov 22:29
Tomorrow is "the day"!
This or That? Here or There? Now or Wait? Yes or No? Take or leave it?
Lost. Confused. Unsure.
* end of first week of Term 4 *
Though was a busy start but definitely a fun one! =)
Mon - straight after school, set off to JP with Principal & 3 colleagues (Mrs O, Mrs ML & Mrs G) as beforehand Mrs O saw many good selection of gowns at ABC shop. After spending solid time there, Mrs ML’s dance costume was confirmed but not mine.
After a quick dinner, despite the time & tiredness, we set off to City Square as also Mrs O saw few nice selection at DEF shop. We too spent a good solid time there before we called it a day. It was already 9plus when I reached home.
Tues - stayed back after school to finish up the English activity
Wed - first school meeting of the term which started @ 315pm and ended @ 530pm

Thurs - wooooo… “the day”
2 ladies partnering a NIE lecturer came to observe my English lesson, it was being recorded. Was I nervous? Definitely! Haha!
And in the afternoon, had an “interview” which was also recorded down with one of the ladies. Tough and “chim” questions after questions regarding assessment were asked. It went for 1hr+ and really no joke… I found my brain cells dead after the long “interview”.
Straight after school, was “activated” last minute to go back JP with Mrs O and Mrs ML to check out new stock and also for collection of Mrs ML’s dance costume.
We spent quite some time there as Mrs ML did checks on her gowns & made payment. As for my class, we managed to decide/confirm the gown and made orders (after debating the children's sizes).
Praise the Lord!
We even got to talk to their boss in HK who agreed to specially made few “XL” sizes for us. Really thank God for favor! It was already almost 8pm when we left JP.
All in all, we went AMK, Chinatown, Tampines, City Square & now JP! Finally!!! Concert costume settled!
Quite different style in LSK. Unlike my other kindergarten where we chose dance costume (those blink blink) for K2s but LSK chose to let their K2 go for gown for girls and “smart wear” for boys. Theirs be more grand as it will be their final year.
This is my “first time” being so involved in searching concert costume as previously all was taken care by principal then I only need to handle the sizes which can be quite challenging as you have “different sizes & shapes” of children in a class.
I totally enjoyed the time of traveling, searching, walking around, discussing, deciding, confirming, calling, counting, laughing, joking etc. And not forgetting throughout this time, not only did I enjoyed a good fellowship with my colleagues, I also get to know them better and vice versa.

Fri - school hours was busy… as usual on every Friday.
Not only did we get to rehearse for dance, we also did for K2 Graduation Ceremony songs item.
Shortly after dismissal, all teachers were called to assemble for the welcoming of VP/teachers from St Xxxxx Kindergarten. Another round of Peer Sharing.
I was assigned to introduce the English activities to the teachers.
Thank God for the peace & confident… wasn’t nervous at all when I explained to the teachers and even to the VP.
Once they left 1.5hrs later, we started our “weekly exercise” to push back our stuffs to various classroom. * half drained * Haha!
=) week 1 is over… looking forward to week 2 already
Looking at Term4 schedule makes me “tremble” cause on one hand 10wks seem loooooong but on the other hand, with so many events coming up, seem like in the blinking of the eyes, 10wks be over!
Impt #1: Concert cum Graduation Ceremony (in Week8)
Concert practice start IMMEDIATELY when school reopens!
For the start twice a week but soon will be given at least a time slot EVERYDAY! Concert run down, 1hr run through & full-dress rehearsal will commence in week4.
Just yesterday straight after school, together with Principal and few colleagues... we travelled all the way to JP to check out gowns then with just just two classes out of four confirmed, we headed to City Square after dinner. Way before already conquered Amk, Chinatown & Tampines. All that only for girls… still pending for the boys.
Impt #2: Peer Sharing/Observation
Week 1, in a few day time, a group of teachers from St xxxxx Kindergarten will be dropping for a visit.
Not forgetting come Week 2, there will be two groups of VIPs coming.
One group of principals/teachers sent by MOE.
And another one pair of "officers" from NIE.
This time no “escape” for Miss Lim … kana “picked” by principal to be involved for both. * tremble tremble *
Term 4 - an eventful term.. will be busy too but definitely will be fun! =) Looking forward to it and totally will depend on Him!
Usually … one week school holiday = no holiday
So this Sept holiday was mentally prepared actually.
Throughout the four days in school … not a single day was wasted.
T3 lesson plan evaluated, T3 resources repaired, T3 resources redo, T3 resources kept, T3 self-check redo, T1-3 portfolio contents checked, T4 schedule out, T4 sight words done + reader words printed done, T4 lesson plan read, T4 worksheet printed, T4 letters typed/printed etc
More than just work, work & work, I also enjoyed the company of my colleagues. Unlike Dec’09 holiday or Mar’10 holiday where there were complete silence and seriousness in the midst of discussion/work but not so for this Jun’10 holiday and especially this Sep’10 holiday.
Previously I used to “grumble” when I know I got to go back school during HOLIDAY but not so now. Even when my ex-colleague called recently and realized I was in school for so many days, she was more “agitated” than me. Haha!
For all 4days, I left school at 5plus and once 6plus.. not because “I have to” but rather “I want to”..
To make this holiday even more wonderful, one of my practicum activities made it to LSK learning corner!!!!
LSK is pretty famous for its learning corners ... many principals & teachers came to visit for that purpose too. MOE did and will be sending a group of principals/teachers to check out our learning corner
Both Mrs M L and I were required to come out with an activity for English Learning Corner. Beside looking through online, I managed to dig out one of my practicum activities that I did when I was taking my diploma.
Just a very simple activity but I’m glad that my level head like it at first sight. But later she said the “challenge” will be to get approval from principal.
Trust me… the first reaction from her was MEGA… she replied “Wow! Wow! I love it! I love it!”
Mixed feelings for the new school term... but mainly excited and looking forward to it! =)
To get us prepared for MOE accreditation, LSK teachers was given a “test” on LSK’s philosophy, vision, learning domains, school practices etc few months back. It was a rather tough paper where we took more than a hour to complete.
The “test” started formally but towards the end, few of us started to “discuss” answers and some even got help from the principal. So from a serious-moment, it turned out to be casual.
1-2 weeks ago, we received our test paper and everyone PASSED!
We were informed before the test that whoever gets a certain % of passing mark will be rewarded.
At our Teacher’s Day lunch, beside our shopping voucher, all of the teachers received another envelope and it was … … cheque of $200!
It was reward from the management (of course proposed by our principal) to affirm us for putting in effort to study for the test.
I’m amazed at their generosity.
1) everyone passed and I believe all hit the expectation
2) it was not so much done individually but there were help/discussion
… BUT still they never pro-rate but a full $200 cash was given to EACH one of us
To make our Teacher’s Day more completed, Mrs E Tan proposed to the management to give to us on Teacher’s Day … how cool is that!? Double blessings!
Just when I thought “all perfect”, satisfied and overwhelmed by the blessingsss, received a sms from Mrs E Tan:
“Happy Teacher’s Day! I am sorry and feel sad that I only managed to get from management team $200 for contributions to accreditation and vouchers. I am looking forward to meeting them again with the proposal for a year end special performance bonus. But I hope you are happy with the personalize cup that is meant to remind you our journey together. Love you and appreciate you lots!”
Wow… what else can I say?!

I started as a relief teacher when I was 19years old. This is probably my 7th or 8th Teacher’s Day.

“Teacher” has never been my ambition since young … it was policewoman actually. The passion came and get stronger as I love to teach and most importantly I love children! Till today, though there were downs moments but I never once regret being a teacher!

Got this from one my oldest blog entry…
T - Thoughtful
E - Educated
A - Artistic
C - Cheerful
H - Humorous
E - Energetic
R - Resourceful
… warm, loving, caring, understanding, stern, strong, OVERWORKED, UNDERPAID, OVERTIME, OVERSTRESS, passionate, commitmented…
To all my educators friends & JAMs teachers … Happy Teacher’s Day!