Wednesday, September 01, 2010


I started as a relief teacher when I was 19years old. This is probably my 7th or 8th Teacher’s Day.

“Teacher” has never been my ambition since young … it was policewoman actually. The passion came and get stronger as I love to teach and most importantly I love children! Till today, though there were downs moments but I never once regret being a teacher!

Got this from one my oldest blog entry…

T - Thoughtful
E - Educated
A - Artistic
C - Cheerful
H - Humorous
E - Energetic
R - Resourceful
… warm, loving, caring, understanding, stern, strong, OVERWORKED, UNDERPAID, OVERTIME, OVERSTRESS, passionate, commitmented…

To all my educators friends & JAMs teachers … Happy Teacher’s Day!


chloeldl said...

happy teacher's day!!!!! =}

lyn said...

Thank you Chloe! =)