Here in LSK, I do believe all are possible because of the principal who go all out to affirm the teachers in all ways she can.
31 Aug - Teacher's Day Celebration
The celebration was fun and “unique“ - instead of children doing things to “please” the teachers, the children get to do things to “sabo” them.
I heard that last few years was fun with water where the children get to SPLASH water on their teachers to get them real wet. But due to HFMD, this year’s activity was changed to feeding where the K2 get to feed two similar drinks (eg. Coke and Pepsi / 100plus and H2O) to the teachers and if we guess wrongly, they get to peg our hair.
Though some "mistakes" were committed purposefully so to let the children have a good laugh but some "mistakes" were really genuine cause after several slips, really can't taste the difference. Haha!
Just imagine the “Yeah~~~” when we guessed wrongly and the “Hahaha” when the children get to peg our hair.
Reason behind the "sabo" of teachers: “LSK teachers are willing to die for the children” and of course LSK teachers are not so "high and mighty" that cannot let down their hair to play with the children.

Beside the prezzies from the children, we also received presents from principal and the management.
From Mrs E Tan .. we received a cup with our name and personalized message too.
From the management .. we received $200 shopping vouchers (we were given different shopping malls to choose from) from management and a buffet lunch @ Sakura!
ps: 7-8years as a teacher, this is "the most" I received from management on Teacher's Day! I was SHOCKED to know it was $200!
Wow! Miss Lim is really blessed this Teacher's Day! =)
Also had the privileged to be in the committee for Teacher's Day Celebration. Had the chance to work with another level head. =)
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