Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the POWER of 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Two days ago was our schoolhouse’s first and only full-dress rehearsal.

As expected, while the stage was cool and calm … the backstage was “hot and messy”.
Haha! Moreover it was the first time that the children and some of my colleagues visited the place and get the feel of the intense of children’s concert.

There we, the teachers were busy changing many different sets of costumes for the children, putting makeup for them, ensuring all accessories up, confirming the dance items in order, rushing for time etc etc… There they, the children were busy, very busy as well.

With? Haha! With shouting (opps… I mean talking), with self-entertaining, with playing, with walking around etc. Thank God no fighting and running around.

For a moment, my partner colleague was not with me thus I was left alone with K1 and K2.
During then, there were just a few of them seated on the floor and majority of them were all around the place.

Cher Lim decided to do something…
* Got a chair and sat down, pointed at the space infront of me *
Immediately I called out, “K1 and K2 … 10, 9, 8”
Before I can even reach 5, ALL of them were seated right where I pointed…
Haha! I should have video it down…
I myself was shocked by their fast reaction. =p

Trust me, in that kind of environment, one can be pretty stress up and lose cool easily.
During the waiting time, one of my colleagues actually lost her cool and disciplined her younger children for misbehaving.

=) Want to thank God for the peace in the midst of “storm”… Haha!
I was actually enjoying myself in the midst of the “hot and messy“ environment…

The day we all been rehearsing hard for is approaching in just a few more days time…
Really looking forward for it…


NHI said...

Seems like every preschool is busy with year end concert. Isaac has been practising for his concert for weeks. He would tell us, "I'm scared if I do wrongly, teacher will scold." *faint* What kind of stress for such young kids.

lyn said...

*raised both legs and hands in agreement* Esp for the K2 at my side, they are involved in so many items. But I do heard from my colleague that there are some preschool w/o concert wor. =)

But I think the teachers are very important during concert too - not to stress the children or even to demand "perfection" in the item but to have fun with the children. =)