“Heaven” - the theme for LSK Concert 2010
Teachers/Helpers were in school from 3pm…
After the final check of costumes, accessories, props, cert & name list etc... teachers gathered at the main hall for a time of intercession. LSBC’s Children Church Pastor gave us a Word.
Teachers released at 5plus for a quick dinner...
K2 teachers didn’t get to eat as the graduation gowns arrived late thus we need to do the sorting of sizes.
Teachers reported back in class at 5plus plus…
Arrival of children at 545pm…
Immediately after a quick snack, we changed them into their graduation gown, did their hair before putting on their mortar hat by supporting with many clips.
K2 graduates moved up to L2 at 650pm…
Commencement of Concert at 7pm…
K2 graduation ceremony started shortly after speech by principal…
Straight after the graduation ceremony/song items we rushed back to class to change the children into their dance costume, touched up their hair and put on flower band on the girls’ head.
After the Grand Entrance of all levels, we waited a while before we got the K2 children ready for their dance item. Immediately after that, we went backstage to get ready for Grand Finale.
Dismissal at 9plus…
It was really heart-warming to see the expression of the parents when they received their children. They were all so happy and so proud of their children of their many performances and stunts.
One of the parents welcomed her a girl with a happy greeting of “Congratulations!” and a bouquet of flower.
One of the parents commented to her son “Oh! I didn’t know you can do that!”
Went over MPH where there were still children/parents around… took photos with few of them… with the spotlights and cameras, felt like “Superstar” too! Haha!
Teachers gathered for a short debrief & a time to glorify God…
Final checks before all left the school at 10plus…
All in all - right from the start of graduation ceremony to graduation item to grand entrance to dance item to grand finale … the children did their best and trust me, they were great!
At the end of the day…
Of course was tired but heart was filled with great joy and great gratitude! All the hard work - definitely worth it!
to be continued...
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