Will keep all close to my heart, it will definitely be something (like energy bars) that will keep me going and going and going & doing more and more and more in this field. Even a simple card/gift with just "Thank you" brought great warmth to my heart! =)
Hi Ms Lim, my husband and I are very grateful and we sincerely thank God for you and the Chinese teacher for teaching and taking care of Child K. “He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” 2 Cor 9:6
Thank you very much!
- Mr & Mrs K
Dear Ms Lim, I would really want to thank you sincerely for teaching and loving Child T. She has really grown in LSK. In fact, she cried when she came home. We are really going to miss you all in school. Pls keep us involved in the school’s activities should LSK need our help.
Thanks Ms Lim. Child T will be delighted! As a teacher myself, I really feel that you are a wonderful teacher and influence to the kids. Please be encouraged and continue to stay in the profession.
- Mrs Y
From principal Mrs E Tan on different occasion:
“Excellent! You are a “chili padi”.. Young and well contained with much to offer. Its my prayer that you would be given an opportunity to run a pre-school one day.. Not everyone can blend in well with colleagues, children and parents. Way to go, Yanni!”
“You did the lesson well! Objectives met. I “saw” some ways to do resource, during your lesson.”
“That’s why I like about you! Always follow up and always so sensible! You will be an asset to any organization!”
Some gifts that I received during the last week and last day of school...
Jiayou Miss Lim!
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