Sunday, November 21, 2010


LSK is generous, a giving kindergarten! Not just to other kindergartens in term of sharing/giving their resources etc, the teachers in term of welfare, words of affirmation, $$ rewards etc and the children too!

One of the many things that got me @@! when I first joined LSK…
Throughout the year, every child’s birthday will be celebrated during assembly with the entire school. They can come in their favourite wear - so far we met “Snow White”, “Princess”, “Little Prince” etc.

Their parents will also be allowed to enter the school to share/capture the moments. Each child will then get a present that is nicely wrapped from the school.

Is a daily-thingy, whenever the child’s birthday falls on. Even when there are more than one child on the same day, each will get their own birthday song and “limelight”. When I first learnt about it, I thought is something sweet - making every child feels special and important.

I’m amazed, so very amazed when I learnt about the following:
First day of Week 9, LSK gave each K2 graduate a Children’s Bible!!!

And for the whole of Wk 9 and Wk 10, principal had bible-reading with the K2 children. Mrs E Tan taught the children how to be still to listen to the Holy Spirit as they read the different chapters/books.

Children listening to the Holy Spirit…

Children came with their bookmarks at the chapters that they read...

Children reading His Word…

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