With the end of the concert, it was another “load” being lifted for all teachers but we still cant enter into “rest” cause got to rush the stuff to return to the children at the end of school term.
Though we were still in celebration mode last week but we went straight into “serious business” - cleared all outstanding work that the children missed during the concert practice period.
To do items:
1) Portfolio
… consists of children’s work (Language & Literacy, Math, Art, My Favourite) and photos
… excluding the cover page, sub-dividers, each child has 20 worksheet + 4 photos
… caption for each photo
2) Term worksheet (English & Math)
Due Date: Tues 16/11
3) Observation file
… “grades” & remarks (handwritten) for individual child
The loooooooong week started on Wed… since then, not a day I left school at “normal timing” - first was late 6plus then 7plus then 8plus and towards the weekend was 10plus. Had late also cause on certain days, I still have work to do when I got home.
Wed 10/11
Mrs E Tan released us early from meeting for us to meet up with our own level teachers to go through and finalize items in portfolio.
After that, spent time working on photos - is one thing to have taken many photos over one year and is another to search the many photos to look for the suitable 4 photos. Before I left for zone mtg, I complied children’s term worksheet. Back from zone mtg, still have to do some work.
Thurs 11/11
It was WORK WORK WORK straight after dismissal. “Searched out” all done worksheet, checked through and sorted it according to individual child. I knocked out not long after I hit the bed but “jumped up” @ 3am plus to finalize photos as got to send to develop the next day.
Fri 12/11
Mrs E Tan returned us the draft of children’s remarks.
“Real work” began… Children’s portfolio!
Rare sight: all the classroom lights on even after 8pm! Basically all levels of teachers stayed back to finish their work. It was intense!
With the intention to collect the photos asap, I rushed over to nearby shopping centre with Mrs M Low and my class’ ready-photos @ 8plus. Spent a while there as got to develop 4 photos each for ~100 children. Returned back to school to continue work before I left with Z Laoshi @ 10plus.
Office + Prenursery & Nursery rooms...
My room...
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