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“Time really flies” till I lost count of which week we are in. Opps!
Just when it was the start of the week and in the blinking of the eyes, it will be end of the week!
As our kindergarten shares the same building with the church thus many of the classroom and other areas like assembly hall/atrium will be used by the church over the weekend.
So EVERY Fri… the teachers got to clear everything into the respective classrooms and storage rooms and areas.
No joke… can be pretty tiring physically cause the “exercise” will take place straight after the dismissal then all the keeping, arranging, pushing & carrying probably will last for ~30mins.
And of course Mon, the teachers will have to take out EVERYTHING again. And the taking out, arranging, setting up, pushing, carrying will go on and on for ~30mins.
Even next week being a short studying-week… basically only Mon the children will officially be in the classroom cause of excursion and national day celebration but we still need to push things out on Mon then push things back on Fri.
Over here, I really understand the meaning of "GIRLS POWER"! Eventhough most of the stuff are with wheels for us to push around but there are still wheels-less stuffs (eg. sofa, big white board, flower pots, boxes and tubs) where we need to use our "muscle" to carry.
Some "before" photos...

Some "after" photos...

24 July - LSK Parent Teacher Meeting
First appt was at 840am and last was 3pm.
Supposed to be 14 pairs of parents but only 12 turned up.
Compare with my past experiences @ other kindergartens, 12 pairs actually manageable. Previously in HTCC, I can be seeing up to 20+ pairs of parents and even more in PCF as then I was teaching 4 classes. But seem like in LSK, 12 consider many! Probably cause of home visitation, LSK don’t have many parents coming for PTM.
At the end of the day, was doing evaluation with Zhang Laoshi and later also heard from the admin staff about the “background” of the parents.
Beside homely-mummy, working mummy, working daddy … what really @@ me was that I spoke to two parents who are primary school teacher, one who is secondary school teacher and one who is a VICE PRINCIPAL of a secondary school.
But most of all, I really salute them - though they are also educators but they never demand/expect their way! They are really humble people!
Thank God for the confident!
Thank God for the “sharp mind” to think fast/clear before I speak.
Thank God for the favor of man!
... especially one of the parents who I was told beforehand to be "careful" of but thankfully mum was ok and not as unfriendly as what I was told. The moment I reached home, didn’t even have “strength” to shower but changed then IMMEDIATELY zzzzzzzz…
The song that the children love~~
ps: the reason of this view is to protect the identity of the children...
Another class of children...
Just had one visitation today … from 8pm to 9pm plus plus.
Next appt with be this Fri … one @ 6pm and another @ 730pm.
Next Fri another two @ 5pm and 8pm. Followed by two weeks later another two on Fri.
tbc: one appt on Sat and another in Sept
Not forgetting few more children still on the “waiting list” … for Miss Lim to give them a date.
To me, the most “challenging” when it comes to home visitation is actually coordinating with other teachers to finalize the day/time.
Most of the time, I only need to coordinate with my Chinese teacher.
Only at times will have to with other teachers when it comes to siblings.
Currently having one “headache” as this student of mine not just has one sibling in K1 but another younger sibling in Nursery and that will means I need to coordinate with another four teachers!
I used to dislike the idea of LSK's home visitation and just couldn't understand why must LSK be so onz. I will even be "angry" to know my weeknights are being activated for school stuff. But I thank God not so now - of course home visitation demands much of my time & energy but I found great joy and fulfillment in doing home visitation.
I know more of my personal time will be taken up but still I am looking forward to the next few home visitations - a platform for me to know the child and family more.
Two “the moment” happened that almost bought tears to Miss Lim.
Moment #1 - one of the girls passed me this…

Moment #2 - though VERY common but still bought warmth to me.
One of my boys turned and waved “goodbye” to me! Hee!
* don’t flip don’t faint *
Miss Lim too emotion?
Not at all… especially when this came from Boy A. K2 child so should be very familiar with the school environment and people but Boy A literally cried EVERYDAY when he stepped into the school for the whole of term 1. There were days where he will stopped shortly after but there were daysssss where he just went on and on and on. If not then suddenly during lesson time he burst out in tears.
In the beginning of term 2, Boy A remained moody - especially during the arrival. But he improved towards the second half of the term. Especially wherever we went up to music room. He will showed his “true colour”. Haha!
And since the second half of term 2 till today, Boy A NEVER once cry when he stepped into the school. And today when he simply just turned and waved “goodbye” to me, I almost cry! Truly I thank God for the opportunity to be able to work with little children! If not for His opened door, probably I will be an office girl somewhere… =)
In LSK, I am form teacher to two classes - a total of 49 children under my care. Though same age group BUT they have total different “pattern” … not just individually but corporately.
Usually on a typical day, I have to conduct a similar lesson twice - one to the children in the morning and another to the afternoon. Though same content but Miss Lim will received different responses and reactions.
Something interesting - not just in my class but other class’ teachers agreed too. And not just in LSK but previously in PCF too.
1. class size in the morning bigger than afternoon session class
2. class discipline in the morning are more "challenging" than afternoon
3. children in morning are more vocal than afternoon session class
4. children in morning are “sharper” than afternoonYesterday I did an activity with both classes - got the children to go toilet while I threw “litters” all over the classroom. When the children from the morning session entered, they shouted “Litter! Litter! Litter!” and went “Orrh… Miss Lim littered the classroom!” before picking them up (one of the objectives). Haha!
But when the children from the afternoon session entered, they were calm and no comments were made, just "shocked" before they started picking them up too.
Just today I read a similar book to both classes. The book entitled “Captain Green and the Hungry Bin” - there was a part that “Hooray! Hooray!” appeared - morning session children upon hearing that started clapping their hands and cheered together and afternoon session children remained silent. When I played a song for them, morning session children started standing up and shaked around but afternoon session children remained calm, with just few bounced while sitting down. Haha! Basically this is a random post - just a thought when I was conducting lesson today.
Interestingly, till today at times when I look at my little angels, I cant help but to tell myself “Oh man! I am a teacher! I cant believe I am working with children!” Haha!
It always bring a =) to me whenever I look at my little angels as they reminded me of God’s grace that the fact that I am working with children is because of Him! He is the reason why I am doing something I love!
Is coming! Is coming! Is coming! Is coming!
Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM)
I used to think~~ last time I was sitting @ the side with my mum as she talked to my teacher but now I am @ another opposite side talking to parents. The “feeling” is kinda amazing actually! =p When I first started out as a kindergarten teacher, I used to tremble whenever it was time for PTM as that will mean “I need to face and talk to parents!”
But as the years went by and I also believe is the relationship I established with parents, especially in the previous kindergartens (that did increased my confidence) so in the recent years I wasn’t that afraid of PTM.
Even currently in LSK, though I may only know the parents for like ~6mths but there wasn’t much fear/worry. =)
The challenge I faced this time in LSK is that our principal believed very much on home visitation - the DNA of LSK. So instead of PTM, she encouraged us to arrange/go for home visitation instead. PTM should be our last last option.
Earlier in school, I made several calls to parents to request for home visitation instead.
Most of the parents welcomed the idea … opps … that will means MORE visitation for Miss Lim?!?!
To say “Yes” for home visitation is easy but to arrange a DAY is not so. To find a DAY is a challenge - got to coordinate with my level head and Chinese teacher. And then if my student has a sibling in another class, I still need to coordinate with the form teacher etc and then of course to fit into the parents’ schedule.
Miss Lim, is week 3 already!!! Jiayou Jiayou Jiayou!
Once again... next issue of New New Children's Talk is back!!
scene #12 … should Miss Lim cry or laugh?
Child J: Miss Lim, Child A see me urine!
Miss Lim: Come over here, Child A!
* Child J and Child A started their “verbal fight” *
Child A: He see me first!
Child J: No.. he see me first!
Child A: That time he see Child W!
Child J: No.. he see me first!
* shortly after *
Child K: Miss Lim, Child J make my head.
Miss Lim: Child J, why did you do that?
Child J: Child K do to me first!
Miss Lim: But why do you have to do the same to her?
Child J: The bible say mahz… Do to others what you want others to do to you!
Miss Lim: * flipped * Bible also say you need to forgive and forget.
Child J: But bible say...
* Miss Lim started her nagging session * scene #13
* snack time *
Child B: * love school food and never once miss it but on that day he wasn’t eating *
Miss Lim: * puzzled * Child B, you want some porridge?
Child B: * shaked his head *
Miss Lim: Why? The porridge is not hot already…
Child B: N… No…
Miss Lim: Why you don’t want to eat?
Child B: My legs numb
Miss Lim: Hmmm...
scene #14
* KinderFun Trail @ PLMGPS .. the weather was suppppppper suppppppper hot, the children were literally “raining“ *
Mrs E Tan & Mrs L: * jokingly * It will be like that when you come to primary school, not like LSK where you all get to enjoy air-con
Children: * silent for a moment * Got fan a not?
Mrs E Tan & Mrs L: Hahaha!
scene #15
* one of the days, I invited the children to share a joke/story with their friends *
Joke A
Child JH: Why did the cake kiss the candles?
Children: * gave all kinds of answers *
Child JH: Because the cake like (light) the candles!
Children: Hahaha!
Miss Lim: * flipped *
Joke B
Child JK: Why did the boy bring a ruler to bed?
Children: * gave all kinds of answers *
Child JK: Because he want to measure how long he sleep.
Children: Hahaha!
Miss Lim: * flipped flipped * Joke C-Z
* can’t really remember the rest of the jokes but what “amazed” me was the jokes that wasn’t that funny actually .. opps .. but it got the rest of the children laughed and laughed and laughed BIG time! scene #16
* Math lesson … on 2s and 5s *
Miss Lim: What can you find on yourself that comes in twos?
Children: Eyes! Ears! Hands! Legs! Nostrils!
Miss Lim: How about in fives?
Children: * silent for a second *
Child T: Bones!
Miss Lim: @@!
Children: Fingers! Toes!
scene #17
* Little Child J (4years old) just came back from holiday *
Miss Lim: Hey Child, why you never come to school for so many days? Where did you go?
Little Child J: I.. I take aeroplane.. I go Hongkong!
Miss Lim: Wow! Did you go Disneyland?
Little Child J: No.. No.. I take aeroplane!
Miss Lim: Oh okok! Haha!
One of LSK teachers’ responsibilities is to make visitation to the children in their form classes. The priority will be the non-believers first. Up to today I visited few houses, with my level head or/and Chinese teacher.
Recently I had one which lasted for 1hr 30mins… we actually planned for 1hr. Opps!
It was a Christian family but the urgency to visit was due to my level head who wanted to get to know the family before introducing a cg to her as she recently changed church.
Characters involved: Boy A & Mrs T
Months back, Mrs T came to me to find out more about her son. She highlighted her fears especially after a teacher in one of his enrichment classes told her that her son has “learning difficulty”.
I almost flipped when I heard the term - this is my second time hearing this kind of label from enrichment teacher on a child, thought that’s quite a harsh word to use?
With that, the mum immediately sends her son to many different assessments - private and in even in hospital. I shared with the mum about my observations and assured her that her child is doing well academically and I don’t find Boy A has “learning difficulty“. I totally cant agree with the term “learning difficulty” being labeled on him. And even later when I told Z Laoshi, she was also shocked as she also cant accept the term on Boy A.
All the assessments somehow affected Boy A.
Mum was sharing with me that Boy A know that he got to undergo some "special tests" and told the mum that he is stupid and slow, and even his sister will laugh at him. My heart breaks just to hear that from a 6yrs old child.
I shared with the mum my observations that I find that Boy A was not as cheerful and bubbly as in Term 1. This got the mum’s attention as it was the period where she started sending her boy to the many assessments. Before the mum left, she told me that she will reconsider about all the assessments again.
Just @ the recent visit, the mum told us that she had stopped ALL assessments on her boy - cause of a statement by Miss Lim. Not forgetting the assurance from Z Laoshi & myself. And also cause both the husband and her who will do coaching at home also don't find any "problem" on Boy A. She was glad that she made the decision.
The funny thing is according to her - the enrichment teacher who used to say he has “learning difficulty” told the mum recently that the boy is “improving”.
Didn't expect the mum to remember what I said till today and I'm glad that I did.
After ~6hrs of lesson in school.. we had a ~30mins of feasting.. then it was ~1hr of test where our brain juice were used up big time.. thereafter we got to stay for principal to go through the answers with us and that probably took us another ~30mins..
It was already 6plus when we were “officially dismissed”.. attended a wake with my colleagues.. then rushed to a home visitation @ 8pm which lasted for a solid 1hr 30mins..
Was hungry but too tired to eat…
Few months ago, Aunty E came to my classroom and offered to help me wrapped the Sports Day gifts as she was waiting for her cgm to start. Then I only know her for weeks?
We started chatting and that was when Aunty E shared with me about her family. She then shared about one of her daughters.
Hours after her daughter’s wedding night last Nov, her daughter became a widow. Still a mystery today, her husband was found dead on the driveway of the hotel.
Aunty E also shared that her daughter attempted suicide after the death of her husband. At the point of her sharing, she told me that her daughter was stable and went back to the work field.
I was @@ to hear that cause sound pretty “dramatic” to me - a moment was “the moment” with your husband and next moment your husband gone?
Recently in the newspaper… (link)
It was Aunty E’s daughter.
Attended the daughter’s funeral. It sadden my heart when Aunty E broke down when she shared about her daughter, she felt bad for not knowing how to “raise” her daughter, and she blamed herself for not being a good mother (single-mum) to her daughter.
Aunty E cried when she said that she will not be able to see her youngest daughter in heaven.
My heart goes out to Aunty E. Kept and will continue to keep her & family in prayers…
28 Jun - marks the start of a brand new school term!
How’s Miss Lim’s first week of school?
Tiring! Hmm… probably due to the adjusting from break to work.
Guess not just the teachers were “adjusting”, the children too. Both Z Laoshi & myself agreed that most of the children though are back physically but… … … haha!Their “Good Morning Mrs Xxx!” became “Gooood… Mor… ning… Tea… Cher… Xxx”
From non-stop answering to silence for a minute before answering.
Few who always bubbly were quiet. Haha!
Even on the very first day of school, Z Laoshi spotted a child who almost dozed off. Had a loooooooong meeting on Wed - where we all left with a 9 pages of “notes” to study for the 50 questions test next week. It includes the school’s philosophy, the learning domains, the mission, the vision etc etc. All to prepare us for the accreditation and for the MOE visit next week. To motivate us to “study”, our principals set the reward as $200-$300 if we get certain percentage of passes. Thurs - had a fruitful 1 hr 30mins visitation. ps: stay tuned to my next entry on this family
Fri - Art & Craft … robot and plane
Always find that Art & Craft lesson @ LSK can be pretty challenging. Cause in my previous kindergartens, I’m used to doing Art probably with half a class or even with full class, the total number of children less than 20.

But here in LSK, I got to do Art with a full class of 27 children. And to add on to the “pressure”, I only have limited time. Just imagine the moment I announced "Children, you can start already!", the next immediate thing you will hear - “Miss Lim!” here, “Miss Lim!” there, “Miss Lim” “Miss Lim” everywhere. Haha!
Yesterday was a nice experience - though “Miss Lim! Miss Lim!” were heard everywhere but it was still under control. I was impressed by the children's creativity, their ability and the little details they looked into as most of them did up their robot/aeroplane on their own.
Most of them created their own design. Even later the principal and the parents gave good comments and they will just amazed at the uniqueness of each creation.

So “interesting” - I was with the tables of children, assisting them with the masking tape for the robot and those doing plane were shouting big time for my name but I was tight down so I told them to wait. The next thing I realized the calling of “Miss Lim! Miss Lim” stopped and when I turned over, what I heard was “Miss Lim, you see my aeroplane!”, “Miss Lim, you see my aircraft”, “Miss Lim, this one can give out smoke” etc etc.

… Check out the above robot!
It has eyes, eyeballs and not just nose but even nostrils! And holding on to tissue paper too! The designer of this robot said that “Later if the robot cry, the robot can use the tissue!”It bought =) to my face! Children are indeed capable of solving their problem! Was joking with Z Laoshi that probably after calling "Miss Lim! Miss Lim!" too many times, the children cant tahan anymore already.