Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Little Angels - 1

In LSK, I am form teacher to two classes - a total of 49 children under my care. Though same age group BUT they have total different “pattern” … not just individually but corporately.

Usually on a typical day, I have to conduct a similar lesson twice - one to the children in the morning and another to the afternoon. Though same content but Miss Lim will received different responses and reactions.

Something interesting - not just in my class but other class’ teachers agreed too. And not just in LSK but previously in PCF too.
1. class size in the morning bigger than afternoon session class
2. class discipline in the morning are more "challenging" than afternoon
3. children in morning are more vocal than afternoon session class
4. children in morning are “sharper” than afternoon

Yesterday I did an activity with both classes - got the children to go toilet while I threw “litters” all over the classroom. When the children from the morning session entered, they shouted “Litter! Litter! Litter!” and went “Orrh… Miss Lim littered the classroom!” before picking them up (one of the objectives). Haha!
But when the children from the afternoon session entered, they were calm and no comments were made, just "shocked" before they started picking them up too.

Just today I read a similar book to both classes. The book entitled “Captain Green and the Hungry Bin” - there was a part that “Hooray! Hooray!” appeared - morning session children upon hearing that started clapping their hands and cheered together and afternoon session children remained silent. When I played a song for them, morning session children started standing up and shaked around but afternoon session children remained calm, with just few bounced while sitting down. Haha!

Basically this is a random post - just a thought when I was conducting lesson today.

Interestingly, till today at times when I look at my little angels, I cant help but to tell myself “Oh man! I am a teacher! I cant believe I am working with children!” Haha!

It always bring a =) to me whenever I look at my little angels as they reminded me of God’s grace that the fact that I am working with children is because of Him! He is the reason why I am doing something I love!

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