Just when it was the start of the week and in the blinking of the eyes, it will be end of the week!
As our kindergarten shares the same building with the church thus many of the classroom and other areas like assembly hall/atrium will be used by the church over the weekend.
So EVERY Fri… the teachers got to clear everything into the respective classrooms and storage rooms and areas.
No joke… can be pretty tiring physically cause the “exercise” will take place straight after the dismissal then all the keeping, arranging, pushing & carrying probably will last for ~30mins.
And of course Mon, the teachers will have to take out EVERYTHING again. And the taking out, arranging, setting up, pushing, carrying will go on and on for ~30mins.
Even next week being a short studying-week… basically only Mon the children will officially be in the classroom cause of excursion and national day celebration but we still need to push things out on Mon then push things back on Fri.
Over here, I really understand the meaning of "GIRLS POWER"! Eventhough most of the stuff are with wheels for us to push around but there are still wheels-less stuffs (eg. sofa, big white board, flower pots, boxes and tubs) where we need to use our "muscle" to carry.
Some "before" photos...
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