It never once fails to bring smile and laughters whenever I look at the photos/videos taken.
7 Mar 2011 - the official start of SOT 17th intake
19 Aug 2011 - the end of SOT
20 & 21 Aug 2011 - Graduation of SOT 17th intake
Orientation day - the day Team 8 met, most of us for the first time

I can still remember during the first few weeks some of us were so awkward to the extend that we were unsure whether the person next to us was from our team. Haha!
But thank God the “strange-ness” among us didn’t last long.
We started from strangers to hi-bye teammates to now FRIENDS.

On the very first day of orientation when Team8 met for the first time, I was shocked to find out almost half of my team are international students. Later week, I felt lost cause most of the locals came in pairs/threes (two from BBG, three from Dialect and two from same zone) and I, only one from JAMs CG.

Pst Bobby ever shared that he can still remember how quiet we used to be that he could even hear the drop of a pin. But the later part of SOT, the only time he can experience silence is when he is preaching. The moment he says “Let’s go for our break now!”, there will be talking, talking and talking. Haha!
Priceless moments:
Our laughters.. Our tears.. Our joy..
The breakfast.. The lunch.. The dinner we had together..
The outings we went.. The fellowship we let down our hair..
The birthdays we celebrated.. The cards we made..
The photos.. The videos we taken..

The mission trip we went..
The lesson.. The exams.. The homework we done.
The OPM.. The mock cg/preaching tests we endured..
The healings.. The deliverance.. The miracles we witnessed..

Not forgetting, glad to know that we are still in contact with one another, even after SOT. Especially with the international students, that effort was made to be updated with each other’s lives.
I take it as a joy and privilege that I can get along pretty well with the international students during SOT days.
Few teammates in my bdae/school-year card actually thank me for “standing in the gap” between the local and the international students. Haha!
Actually not being great or purposely befriended them. I feel that it was cause I’m the most free among the local who don’t have to rush to work/school after class so having more time to spare = able to help/to accompany/to fellowship.
One of the toughest weeks would be the “Farewell Week” when we sent off international teammates.

Another would be the 2-3 weeks when SOT ended.
Still remember that during that few weeks, many of my teammates (including myself) were pretty “lost” - especially in the morning. Haha! It seem we lose the motivation and direction. All of us took a while to settle at our own country/work.
Thank God months after our graduation, we were ok.
Most of all, we are still in contact and in each other’s mind and prayers.
to be continued…
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