Out of 5 days, we were required to be back for 4 days.
Thank God our level was efficient, less chit chat + less munching. Haha! We were done in 3.5 days.
We were prepared that usually one week holiday also means no holiday. But still it was a good break to our throat and ears. Haha!
During the week, the staff also “sacrificed” ~2hours to celebrate Principal’s birthday massively. And I also had the honor to do the slides/videos for her.
Throughout the 3.5days, it was a time of flipping lesson plan after lesson plan after. From Grammar to Phonics to Math to Theme to MSD to Skill to Art to the new addition of Environmental Awareness to Current Issues to Moral.
It was also a time of repair/pack/arrange teaching resources, search/type/print teaching materials etc. Not forgetting to clear the outstanding agenda left behind from Term1.
Thank God our level only spent half a day yesterday, being the first level to end work.
Though after which I still headed to the library to get books but I have the luxury to have almost half of the day to myself.
And today the entire day to myself.
ZZZzzzzzz to my fullest in the morning.
Been a while since I get to have this “luxury”.
Met Pst for hot hot steamboat on a hot hot day.
Pst never fails to wow me with her hot hot love.
No doubt about it she is not a very-free-person. If we put work aside, she well has 4 children to keep her busy but this never stop her from wanting to fellowship and to spend quality time with us.

After which went to get “Lao Ban Dou Hua” cause had craving + in the east anyway + wanted to check out the stall.

After making a trip to "deliver" to Pst @ office, I went over to find Friend E and Friend J. Been a while since I last had a "proper fellowship" with Friend E so was joking that since she doesn't has time to meet me, I will go meet her! Haha! Short 10mins at the carpark where we had our dou hua together + short catchup. Off I went.

Thought since I'm already out and don't feel like heading home so decided to be a "tourist" and went from Indian Temple to Chinese Temple to Bugis Village to Arts Museum. Settled at DOME for 1hr+ over cuppoa coffee.
Can I have more of this "agenda-less" + very-free afternoon? Hee!

The end...
Two more days and it will be brand new school term again. =)
Em - always remember dou hua day! specially delivered to me!! Once again thank u! U really made my friday :)
Yeah.. specially queued too!
Is my pleasure, glad it brightens your sl**py Friday! =)
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