9 March marks the end of 10weeks of eventful term 1.
From orientation to settling down to preparation for SPARK to completion of SPARK to the project weeks.
From egg experiment to bone experiment to life-cycle of a butterfly to flower/celery in colored water…

From bringing work home to staying back till late in school…
From physical drained to emotional and mental drained…
Still find it a challenge to work in this school.. probably I have yet to “get used fully to it”, especially when there new things.
Just before I “digested” new idea1 and new idea2, Principal already introduced new idea3. And before I can even finish new idea 1 and new idea2, new idea4 introduced.
I purposed in my heart to stay back in school to clear taskA but ended up being informed about taskB so got to put aside taskA to clear taskB but before I can clear taskA, taskC comes.
Just like last week, I thought FINALLY I cleared all before deadline...
Just when I thought I can take a short break or at least clear some outstanding work, this was given to us…
Not exaggerating… very true.
One week of school holiday going to be fast… basically just “break from children” cause after all out of 5days, we got to be in school for 4days.
Miss Lim got to be physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally ready for another 10weeks of Term2. By then will have to include visitation. Other main highlight will be our Sports Day cum our ever-first Fund Raising event.
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