Sunday, January 02, 2011

2011 First

2011 - 7th year into lyn-peace… haha… thank you faithful readers!

It shall continue to go strong this year, still a place where I...
testify God’s goodness (PTL!)
share the little joy I have with my little angels (Awww…)
vent my anger ($&%#$*@) ps: of course not vulgarity =p
release my unhappiness (Arrggh...)
talk about the person who step my toes (ouch!)
gossip about the person who I step on (opps!)
share my ups and downs (Woohoo!)
etc etc etc etc...

I guess lyn-peace is still a place where I share more than when you meet me in person… strange ar?
Hee! You see, I am afterall a SHY girl.. =p

Faithful readers, get ready for a year of adventure @ lyn-peace!!!

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