Thursday, January 06, 2011

Choice A or Choice B (Final) - Favor!

Looking back 2010 journey in LSK, I really thank God for tremendous favor. Not forgetting what I experienced during this “leave-stay process”

When I first made known my decision that I will leave LSK in 2011, knowing that SOT will only start in March, Mrs E Tan immediately offered me a post to help her with the resource in Term 1 2011. But after much consideration, I didn’t take up the offer.

During the school holiday, had another talk with the principal With my first reject of helping her with the resource, she actually offered me few other choices. Eventhough is only one term but she was willing to offer me post like “Reading Teacher” or “Assistant Teacher“.
I was totally overwhelmed by her effort and the offers.
I thought about it, I agreed.

Really thank God for the favor and opportunities!

Some others…
#1 - Mrs E Tan is pretty “careful” in allocating teachers to the different classes. She will seek the Lord for guidance and peace.
~ with that, I am really blessed, as a newbie to be entrusted by to take K2 who being the last year in LSK, she put great importance in

#2 - With my post as a K2 form teacher, not only did I get to work closely with the Senior Teachers but also the Principal and Vice-Principal.

#3 - Being a newbie in LSK, I was given the opportunities to conduct Peer Sharing with the teachers/principals from other kindergarten

#4 - Not forgetting the favor I get from the management, the parents, the colleagues & the children.


Ing said...

Hey, you're going SOT? Wooohooo!!! I'm excited for you!
New year, new challenges, new breakthroughs... believe that it'll be a great year for you and all things will work out for good.

lyn said...

Yup! Will be taking a step of faith to go SOT, kinda of a big sacrifice for me at this moment but got to trust God and know that yes, all things will work out for good for me! Thanks Ing! =)