Monday, January 31, 2011

Little Moment #3

Little Child Z - Miss Lim’s “shadow”

In the early weeks, probably 8 out of 10 days, the teachers at the door will welcome both crying Little Child Z and his sister (apparently cried almost everyday last year when she was in Nursery).
This year probably 5 out of 10 days but recently improved, up to no tears for the entire week. But Little Child Z still in “adjusting mode”, still cried on and off.

It used to be quite bad when both of them combined power to CRY. As they entered, both hugged tightly and CRIED together. At times the sister hugged tightly to the grandma as she CRIED to ask for a kiss. Little Child Z will then grab tightly to the sister as he CRIED too. When both being brought in by the teachers, both still tightly together and refused to be separated.

Once it turned can be quite “drama” when the sister hugged the grandma tightly as she CRIED and refused to let go, the grandma then pushed the sister (quite rough) into the school and left w/o turning back.

Lately both entered the school w/o crying BUT both still held to each other during assembly. The moment Little Child Z got to be separated from the sister, he started to cry and of course can see the sister having teary eyes.

Back in class, on and off Little Child Z still CRIED and said “I want to go home!" or "I want Ah Ma!"

Reason he is Miss Lim’s “shadow”? He will follow very closely to Miss Lim. Maybe he is a boy who needed security?

He can be quite "funny" - When he has my hand to hold, he will hold my hand. But at times when my hands are busy, he would hold my pant, my shirt and even my leg… haha!

When I left the room to prepare for snack, Little Child Z followed behind. When I left my seat for a while to other child, Little Child Z stood up and followed. When I left him during lesson time, Little Child Z ran behind. Haha!

But thank God that from “glue very closely” and refused to let me go to now able to sit alone on his own for quite a while. Am happy to see his improvement!

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